MRS M G MICHAEL, Sworn In For The State, 54th To Testify

MRS. M. G. MICHAEL, sworn for the Defendant.I live in Athens. On April 26th, I was at 387 Washington Street at2 o'clock, at the residence of my sister Mrs. Wolfsheimer. Mrs. Frankis my niece by marriage. I am no kin…

EMMA BEARD, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 65th To Testify

EMMA BEARD (colored), sworn for the Defendant.I am Mr. Schiff's servant. On April 26th somebody called Mr. Schiffon the telephone. I answered the telephone. It was about half past ten. It sounded like a boy's voice. It said, " I…

WADE CAMPBELL, Sworn In For The State, 46th To Testify

WADE CAMPBELL, sworn for the Defendant.I have been working for the pencil factory for about a year and ahalf. I had a conversation with my sister, Mrs. Arthur White, on Mon-day, April 28th. She told me that she had seen…

MISS JULIA FUSS, Sworn In For The State, 64th To Testify

MISS JULIA FUSS, sworn for the Defendant.I work on the fourth floor of the pencil factory. I have never knownanything wrong or immoral to be going on in Mr. Frank's office. I talkedwith Jim Conley Wednesday morning after the murder.…

MISS CORINTHIA HALL, Sworn In For The State, 42nd To Testify

MISS CORINTHIA HALL, sworn for the Defendant.I work in the finishing up department of the pencil factory. I am aforelady. I was at the factory on April 26th, I got there about 25 minutesto twelve. I had to come to…

MISS MAGNOLIA KENNEDY, Sworn In For The State, 45th To Testify

MISS MAGNOLIA KENNEDY, sworn for the Defendant.I have been working for the pencil factory for about four years, inthe metal department. I drew my pay on Friday, April 25th, from Mr.Schiff at the pay window. Helen Ferguson was there when…

G C FEBRUARY, Sworn In For The State, 20th To Testify

G. C. FEBRUARY, sworn for the State.I was present at Chief Lanford's office when Leo M. Frank and L. Z.Rosser were there. I took down Mr. Frank's statement stenographically.I don't remember Frank's answers in detail, Mr. Rosser was looking outof…

MISS REBECCA CARSON, Sworn In For The State, 60th To Testify

MISS REBECCA CARSON, sworn for the Defendant.I work at the National Pencil Co. I have been there over three years.I work on the fourth floor. I am forelady of the sorting department. Ihave from thirteen to fifteen girls under me.…

MAGNOLIA “MINOLA” MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 49th To Testify

  MINOLA Mc Knight (colored), sworn for the Defendant. I work for Mrs. Selig. I cook for her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank live with Mr. and Mrs. Selig. His wife is Mrs. Selig's daughter. I cooked breakfast for the family…

MRS HENNIE WOLFSHEIMER, Sworn In For The State, 56th To Testify

MRS. HENNIE WOLFSHEIMER, sworn for the Defendant.I am the aunt of Mrs. Frank. I live at 387 Washington Street, thethird house from the corner of Georgia Avenue. On April 26th, I sawMr. Frank in front of my house. It was…