Sunday, 4th May 1913 The Case of Mary Phagan
Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 4th, 1913 At the top is a sketch made by Henderson from the last photograph taken of little Mary Phagan, the 14-year-old girl of tragedy. Below is a photograph of her mother and step-father,…

Tuesday, 6th May 1913 Pistol Toting is Condemned by Judge Ellis in His Charge
Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, May 6th, 1913 The instructions given the new Fulton county grand jury by Judge William D. Ellis in his charge at the empanelling of that body Monday morning placed especial stress upon the call of…

Thursday, 1st May 1913 Newt Lee Tells His Story During Morning Session
J. A. White Harry Denham. The two mechanics who were the last workmen to leave the National Pencil company on Saturday afternoon. Leo M. Frank was in the building when they went out. Photo by Francis B. Price, Staff…

Thursday, 1st May 1913 Pretty Young Sweetheart Comes To the Aid of Arthur Mullinax
Atlanta Constitution Thursday May 1st, 1913 Pearl Robison, the pretty 16-year-old sweetheart of Arthur Mullinax, came nobly to his defense with testimony that corroborated that suspect's alibi. She was placed on the stand late in the afternoon. "Do…

Thursday, 1st May 1913 Has a New Explanation
Atlanta Constitution Thursday, May 1st, 1913 A letter to the editor of the Atlanta Constitution Editor Constitution: I notice with interest the reward your most worthy paper, is offering for the brutal murderer of Mary Phagan. To say words…

Friday, 2nd May 1913 Frank and Lee Held in Tower; Others Released
This snapshot was taken just as the factory superintendent got out of auto in which he was transferred Thursday afternoon from the police station to the county jail. Atlanta Constitution Friday, May 2nd, 1913 Grand Jury May Take…

Saturday, 3rd May 1913 Not Guilty, Say Both Prisoners
Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 3rd, 1913 Leo M. Frank and the Night Watchman, Newt Lee, Reiterate Declarations of Innocence in Phagan Crime. Leo M. Frank yesterday morning in his cell in the Tower reiterated his plea of innocence to…

Thursday, 1st May 1913 Girl Was Dead Ten Hours Before Her Body Was Found
Atlanta Constitution Thursday, May 1st, 1913 Mary Phagan had been dead ten hours or more before her body was discovered in the basement darkness of the factory building. This is the opinion of expert embalmists of Bloomfield's undertaking…

Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Former Playmates Meet Girl’s Body at Marietta
Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, April 29th, 1913 The little town of Marietta, Georgia, where her baby eyes first opened upon the light of day scarcely fourteen years ago, will to-day witness the sorrowful funeral of Mary Phagan, the sweet young…

Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Guilt Will Be Fixed Detectives Declare
Mrs. J. W. Coleman, below, mother of slain Mary Phagan, and Ollie Phagan, sister of the murdered girl . Mrs. Coleman is prostrated by grief over the crime, and warns all mothers of working girls to watch carefully their loved…