Monday, 28th April 1913 3 Youths Seen Leading Along a Reeling Girl
Edgar L. Sentell, lifelong friend of Mary Phagan, says he saw a man answering this description, walking with the girl after midnight Sunday, a few hours before the body was found. He has identified the man as Arthur Mullinax,…

Monday, 28th April 1913 12-Year-Old Girl Sobs Her Love for Slain Child
Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 "I'd help lynch the man that killed poor Mary. If they'd let me, I'd like to hold the rope that choked him to death. That's all he deserves. I was playing with Mary…

Monday, 28th April 1913 Body Dragged by Deadly Cord After Terrific Fight
Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 Stretched full length, face downward on the floor of the basement at the rear of the plant, the body was found. A length of heavy cord or wrapping twine, which had been used…

Monday, 28th April 1913 Arrested as Girl’s Slayer
Photograph of Mary Phagan showing her in street dress. JOHN M. GANTT ACCUSED OF THE CRIME; FORMER BOOKKEEPER TAKEN BY POLICE Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 J. M. Gantt, arrested in Marietta for the murder of Mary Phagan,…

Monday, 28th April 1913 10,000 Throng Morgue to See Body of Victim
The Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 Coroner's Jury inspects remains and scene of tragedy, then waits until Wednesday Lying on a slab in the chapel of the Bloomfield undertaking establishment, with the white throat bearing the red marks…

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Chief Beavers Orders Sleuths to Find Vice
The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 12, 1913 Hattie Smith Reluctant Before Judge—Says She Was Just Talking Friday For the first time since he has been at the head of the police force, Chief James L. Beavers addressed the assembled members…

Saturday, 12th July 1913 More Affidavits to Support Mincey Claimed
The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 12, 1913 Frank's Attorneys Said to Have Corroborating Evidence, Newt Lee Denied Freedom Joseph H. Leavitt, an attorney, with offices at 422 Grant building, the man who secured the affidavit of W.H. Mincey, who alleges…

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Conley Again Quizzed by Prosecutor Dorsey
The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 12, 1913 Solicitor and Hooper Grill Negro at Police Headquarters for Three Hours For two hours and a half Solicitor Dorsey did practically all of the ques- Phagan case, Frank A. Hooper, quizzed Conley at…

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Chief Traces Vice Conditions to Men; Promises Arrests
The Atlanta Journal Thursday, July 10, 1913 Beavers Puts Police on Trail of Men Blamed By Girl Guests for Situation in Downtown Hotels GIRL VICTIM BARES HOTEL CONDITIONS TO RECORDER Judge Broyles Hears Sensational Expose of Vice Situation Said to…

Thursday, 10th July 1913 No Finger Prints Found by Expert on Phagan Envelope
The Atlanta Journal Thursday, July 10, 1913 Examination of Portion of Slain Girl's Pay Envelope Fails to Throw Any Light on the Murder Mystery FLETCHER, AT FEDERAL PEN MAKES EXAMINATION Fight for Release of Newt Lee on Habeas Corpus Resumed…