MRS RACHEL JACOBS FRANK, Sworn In For The State, 71st To Testify

MRS. RACHEL JACOBS FRANK, sworn for the Defendant.I am the mother of Leo Frank. I live in Brooklyn. I lived in Texasthree years, where Leo was born. Mr. Moses Frank of Atlanta is myhusband's brother. I saw him at Hotel…

MISS HATTIE HALL, Sworn In For The State, 41st To Testify

`MISS HATTIE HALL, sworn for the defendant.I am a stenographer for the National Pencil Company. I do most ofthe work in the office of Montag Bros. Whenever it is necessary I godown to the National Pencil factory and do work…

MRS EMMA CLARKE FREEMAN, Sworn In For The State, 43rd To Testify

MRS. EMMA CLARKE FREEMAN, sworn for the Defendant.I married on April 25th. I worked at the pencil factory before that,at the time I was married. I was paid off on April 25th by Mr. Schiff.On the 26th I reached the…

PROF J E VANDERHOEF, Sworn In For The State, 129th To Testify

PROF. J. E. VANDERHOEF, sworn for the Defendant.I am foreman of the foundry at Cornell University. I knew LeoFrank for two years when he attended the University. His characterwas good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have been at Cornell 25 years. As to what…

JOHN W TODD, Sworn In For The State, 127th To Testify

JOHN W. TODD, sworn for the Defendant.I reside in Pittsburg. I am assistant purchasing agent for the CrucibleSteel Co. I attended Cornell University with Leo Frank. I knewhim for years during the time I was in College. I am the…

MISS OPIE DICKERSON, Sworn In For The State, 139th To Testify

MISS OPIE DICKERSON, sworn for the Defendant.I have worked at the pencil factory for 17 months. Mr. Frank'sgeneral character is good. I have never met Mr. Frank for any immoralpurpose. I have known Jim Conley ever since I have been…

V H KRIEGSHABER, Sworn In For The State, 130th To Testify

V. H. KRIEGSHABER, sworn for the Defendant.I live in Atlanta. I have known Leo Frank for about three years.His general character is good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I did not come in contact with him frequently. I am a trustee of theHebrew Orphans' Home…

FRANK PAYNE, Sworn In For The State, 82nd To Testify

FRANK PAYNE, sworn for the Defendant.I was office boy last Thanksgiving day at the pencil factory. It wassnowing that day. I am 16 years old. Mr. Schiff and Mr. Frank wereworking there in the office that day. Mr. Schiff sent…

D J NIX, Sworn In For The State, 81st To Testify

D. J. NIX, sworn for the Defendant.I was office boy at the pencil factory from April, 1912, to October,1912. I worked there every other Saturday until the first of September,and then every Saturday thereafter. I am 19 years old. Before…

PROF C D ALBERT, Sworn In For The State, 128th To Testify

PROF. C. D. ALBERT, sworn for the Defendant.I am professor of machine designs in Cornell University. I haveheld that chair for five years. I knew Leo M. Frank for two years whilehe attended the University. At that time I was…