Thursday, 26th June 1913 To Hold Frank Trial in the Old City Hall
The Atlanta Journal Thursday, June 26, 1913 Case Will Be Heard in Courtroom Now Used by Judge Pendleton The trial of Leo M. Frank on July 28 will be held on the first floor in the old city hall building,…

Tuesday, 17th June 1913 Guessers See a Mystery in Dorsey-Hooper Trips
The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, June 17, 1913 Speculation About Departure of Phagan Case Figures Not Credited, However What is believed to be but a coincidence in the unheralded out-of-town trips of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, Attorney Frank A. Hooper,…

Wednesday, 18th June 1913 Will Reuben R. Arnold Aid Frank’s Defense?
The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 18, 1913 Mr. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser Both Decline to Discuss Report Circulated The rumor that Reuben R. Arnold, famous Georgia lawyer, will be associated with the defense of Leo M. Frank, indicted for…

Thursday, 19th June 1913 Hooper Returns and Takes Up Phagan Case
The Atlanta Journal Thursday, June 19, 1913 Declares Trip to Cincinnati Had Nothing to oD With Murder Mystery Frank A. Hooper, the experienced prosecutor, who has been engaged to assist Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey in the trial of the case…

Friday, 20th June 1913 Frank Case May Not Be Tried June 30
The Atlanta Journal Friday, June 20, 1913 Dorsey Expects to Be Ready, He Says, but Postponement Seems Probable That Leo M. Frank will go on trial for the murder of Mary Phagan on June 30th is not a certainty, although…

Saturday, 21st June 1913 Date of Frank Trial Still In Much Doubt
The Atlanta Journal Saturday, June 21, 1913 Belief Grows That Case Will Not Come Up Before July 14 or 28 Interest in the Phagan case still centers on the time of the trial of Leo M. Frank. Indications still are…

Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Arnold Declares Frank Innocent and Enters Case
REUBEN R. ARNOLD, Able attorney, who declares he would not have entered case were he not firmly convinced of Leo M. Frank's innocence. The Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 22, 1913 Famous Lawyer Says He Wouldn't Defend Man Accused of Such…

Sunday, 15th June 1913 Gentry, Found by Journal, Says Notes Will Show Enough to Justify What Was Sworn To
The Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 15, 1913 "Upon Reading My Notes Before the Court It Will Be Proven That There Is Enough of It There to Justify What Was Written and Sworn to be Me as Being Practically the Gist…

Monday, 16th June 1913 Hooper Wants a Rest For Public From Case
The Atlanta Journal Monday, June 16, 1913 Attorney Associated With Prosecution, Says State Is Ready for Frank Trial With Solicitor General Dorsey away on a short vacation, the state's case against Leo M. Frank, who is charged with the murder…

Sunday, 15th June 1913 Frank A. Hooper to Aid State in Frank Trial
The Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 15, 1913 Former Solicitor at Americus Engaged to Assist Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey That the trial of Leo M. Frank will be a legal battle as brilliant as any ever fought in Atlanta is assured…