Monday, 16th June 1913 Hooper Wants a Rest For Public From Case
The Atlanta Journal Monday, June 16, 1913 Attorney Associated With Prosecution, Says State Is Ready for Frank Trial With Solicitor General Dorsey away on a short vacation, the state's case against Leo M. Frank, who is charged with the murder…

Sunday, 15th June 1913 Frank A. Hooper to Aid State in Frank Trial
The Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 15, 1913 Former Solicitor at Americus Engaged to Assist Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey That the trial of Leo M. Frank will be a legal battle as brilliant as any ever fought in Atlanta is assured…

Monday, 16th June 1913 Felder Leaves Atlanta on Trip to Cincinnati
The Atlanta Journal Monday, June 16, 1913 Thomas B. Felder, the attorney, left Atlanta for Cincinnati Sunday afternoon to be away from the city on a business trip for several days. The absence of Mr. Felder from the city is…

Friday, 13th June 1913 Luther Z. Rosser Declares Detectives Dare Not Permit Jim Conley to Talk Freely
Luther Z. Rosser, leading attorney in the defense of the indicted pencil factory superintendent. He was snapshotted Friday morning while on his way to the court house to protest to Judge Roan against James Conley, the negro sweeper, remaining in…

Friday, 13th June 1913 Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Wins in First Clash; L. Z. Rosser Declares Procedure a Farce
Atlanta Journal Friday, June 13th, 1913 Conley is Prisoner of City Detectives, Not of State, Now Conley Says His Attorney Believes Idea of Transfer Originated With Friends of Frank, to Harm Him JUSTICE WARRANT MAY ROB DORSEY OF VICTORY As…

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Gentry Now Says Dictograph Record Was Tampered With
Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 11th, 1913 Detective E. O. Miles Gives Out Affidavit From Young Stenographer Repudiating Transcript He Swore to AFFIDAVIT OBTAINED IN WASHINGTON D. C. G. C. Febuary Gives Out a Statement, Telling How Notes Were Transcribed and…

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Conley’s Status in Phagan Case May Be Changed Wednesday
The Atlanta Journal June 11, 1913 Petition Will Be Presented to Judge Roan by Solicitor Dorsey but Its Nature Is Not Made Known ROSSER'S CARD CAUSES ACTIVITY BEHIND SCENES Negro May Be Put Back in the Tower – Solicitor…

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 T. B. Felder Accounts for Subscriptions Received
The Atlanta Journal June 11, 1913 Says Only $102 Was Paid Into Fund to Employ Burns Detectives Attorney Thomas B. Felder Wednesday morning issued a card to the public in which he accounts for the funds subscribed to employ the…

Thursday, 12th June 1913 Chief Beavers Unable to Locate Gentry
The Atlanta Journal June 12, 1913 He Wires Chief Lanford That Young Stenographer Can't Be Found All efforts on the part of Detective Chief Lanford to locate George M. Gentry, the stenographer who wrote the famous dictograph records, have failed.…

Thursday, 12th June 1913 Courts Order May Result in Meeting of Negro and Frank
Atlanta Journal Thursday, June 12th, 1913 Jim Conley, Negro Sweeper, Accusing Witness in Phagan Case, Sure to Appear Before Judge Roan Friday A. M. STATE MAY DEMAND THAT FRANK APPEAR THERE TOO Through Judge's Order, Defense Gets Chance to Quiz…