Sunday, 8th June 1913 Three Open Letters Given Out Saturday by Thos. B. Felder
Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 8th, 1913 In One of These Letters He Reopens His Controversy With A. S. Colyar About the Dictograph Episode SAYS LANFORD CONSPIRED TO TAKE HIM TO S. C. He Also Makes Another Personal Attack Upon Detective…

Sunday, 8th June 1913 Scathing Replies Made to Letters Attacking Them
Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 8th, 1913 Colyar Addresses Felder as "Dictograph Tommy" and "My Dear Co-conspirator in Crime" SEND HIM TO CREMATORY, SAYS DETECTIVE CHIEF J. R. Gray Said: "I Have No Comment to Make—Mr. Felder's Controversy Is With…

Monday, 9th June 1913 Defense to Make Next Move in Phagan Case
Atlanta Journal Monday, June 9th, 1913 Apparently Prosecuting Officials Consider Their Investigation Complete Chief of Detectives Lanford has announced that Jim Conley, the negro sweeper, who is the state's principal witness in the case against Leo M. Frank, indicted for…

Sunday, 8th June 1913 Solicitor Makes No Reply to Mrs. Frank
Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 8, 1913 Hugh M. Dorsey Has No Comment to Make on Mrs. Frank's Letter Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey has declined to make any answer to the published statement of Mrs. Leo M. Frank, charging…

Tuesday, 10th June 1913 Luther Z. Rosser, Attorney for Frank, Trains His Guns on City Detective Chief
The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, June 10, 1913 SAYS CHIEF LANFORD IS NOT SEEKING FOR TRUTH OF MURDER He Charges That the Detective Chief Has Banked His Sense and Reputation on Proving Frank Guilty "WHY HASN'T CONLEY BEEN BEFORE JURY?"…

Friday, 6th June 1913 Conley Sticks to His Story; Declares Detective Chief
Atlanta Journal Friday, June 6th 1913 Report of a Confession, Different From One Given to the Detectives, Is Ridiculed by Chief Lanford DORSEY MAKES REPLY TO MRS. L. M. FRANK No More News of Phagan Case to Be Given to…

Friday, 6th June 1913 Jail Sentence for Woman Convicted in Vice Crusade
Atlanta Journal Friday, June 6th, 1913 Mrs. N. Powell, Charged With Operating Disorderly House on Spring Street, Gets Heavy Sentence HAD ENJOINED CHIEF FROM RAIDING HOUSE Case is One of Few on Record Where a Woman Is Sentenced to…

Friday, 6th June 1913 Probe of Grand Jury Goes Over One Week
Atlanta Journal Friday, June 6th, 1913 Only Routine Matters Up Tuesday—Dictograph Controversy Not Considered It will be week after next before the Fulton county grand jury resumes its investigation of the vice situation in Atlanta, if any further investigation…

Friday, 6th June 1913 A. S. Colyar Is Again Released From Custody
Atlanta Journal Friday, June 6th, 1913 Tennessee Requisition Papers Not Forthcoming, So Judge Orders His Release A. S. Colyar, who was arrested by a sheriff's deputy Thursday while waiting to be called as a witness before the Fulton county…

Saturday, 7th June 1913 Torture Chamber Methods Charged in Getting Evidence
Atlanta Journal Saturday, June 7th, 1913 In Card to The Journal, Wife of Factory Superintendent Declares Solicitor Dorsey Has Approved Third Degree "WE ARE SUFFERING NOW, BUT WHO WILL BE NEXT?" Her Statement in Full—Conley Will Not Be Indicted as…