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Wednesday, 28th May 1913 Conley Tells in Detail of Writing Notes on Saturday at Dictation of Mr. Frank

Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 28th, 1913 Negro Declares He Met Mr. Frank on the Street and Accompanied Him Back to the Factory, Where He Was Told to Wait and Watch—He Was Concealed in Wardrobe In Office When Voices Were Heard…
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Wednesday, 28th May 1913 Carl Hutcheson Again Attacks Chief Beavers

Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 28th, 1913 Calls Rim "a Contemptible Liar" and a "Pig Head." Chief Asks for That List Attorney Carl Hutcheson renewed his attack on Police Chief Beavers Wednesday when he gave out an open letter referring to…
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Thursday, 29th May 1913 A. S. Colyar Released From Bond on Thursday

Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Tennessee Authorities Failed to Forward Requisition Papers on Date Agreed A. S. Colyar, the Tennessean, who figured conspicuously in the recent dictograph sensation involving bribery charges and countercharges of graft between Colonel Thomas B.…
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Thursday, 29th May 1913 Chief Asks Hutcheson for Protected List

Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Lawyer Not Ready Yet, Is Answer—Beavers Says He Is Disappointed Chief of Police James L. Beavers called Attorney Carl Hutcheson over the telephone Thursday morning and asked if the list of "protected disorderly houses,"…
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Thursday, 29th May 1913 Detectives Seek Corroboration of Conleys Story

Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 29th, 1913 They Declare That They Are Anxious to Get at the Truth of the Murder Case, Regardless of Who Is Guilty Little if any credence is placed by the city detectives in the theory of…
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Thursday, 29th May 1913 Former Pencil Worker Outlines His Theory

Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Gustave Haas, of 165 Pulliam street, who at one time worked at the National Pencil factory, and is familiar with the arrangement of the building, has furnished The Journal with his theory of the…
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Monday, 26th May 1913 Thorough Probe of Charges Against Felder and Latters Charges Against Police Asked

Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 "I Shall Lay Evidence Gathered by the Detectives and Col. Felder's Charges of Graft and Corruption All Before the Grand Jury," Says the Chief, "Asking That a Searching Investigation Be Made So That the…
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Monday, 26th May 1913 I Have No Proof of Bribery in Phagan Case, Says Chief

Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief Detective Declares He Has No Direct Evidence of Attempt to Influence Witnesses, as Published CONLEY STICKS TO STORY UNDER SEVERE GRILLING His Statement That He Wrote Notes at Frank's Dictation a Disturbing Element—Search…
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Monday, 26th May 1913 Tobie Tried to Kidnap Incubator Baby, Says Topeka Police Official

Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 That the past career and record of C. W. Tobie, the Burns investigator who came to Atlanta to probe the Phagan mystery for Colonel Thomas B. Felder, is being investigated by the local police…
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Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Col. Felder Ridicules Idea of Grand Jury Investigation of City Detectives Charges

Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 Declares Chief Beavers Is Only Bluffing, and That if All the Allegations Made by the Police Were True, It Wouldn't Be a Case for the Grand Jury, as He Has Violated No Law in…