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Wednesday, 13th August 1913 State Calls More Witnesses; Defense Builds Up an Alibi

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 13th, 1913 In anticipation of the close of the defense's case, the State Tuesday afternoon subpenaed a number of new witnesses to be called in the event that Frank's character was put in issue. It was said that…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 State Wants Wife and Mother Excluded

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 14th, 1913 Call New Witnesses to Complete Alibi WIFE AND MOTHER OF ACCUSED ARE WARNED AGAINST OUTBREAKS Nearly a score more of alibi witnesses were to be called by the defense in the Frank trial when court opened…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 States Sole Aim is to Convict, Defenses to Clear in Modern Trial

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 14th, 1913 By O. B. KEELER. Right in the first jump, please understand that (1) this is merely the opinion of a layman, unlearned in the law; that (2) he may be the only layman in existence who…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 Defense Slips Load by Putting up Character of Leo Frank as Issue

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 14th, 1913 By JAMES B. NEVIN. The defense in the Frank case did the expected thing when it boldly and unequivocally put Frank's character in issue. It indicated its confidence in the justice of the defendant's cause in…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 Steel Workers Enthralled by Leo Frank Trial

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 14th, 1913 There is one class of men to whom death is supposed to hold no horrors. They can not think of it and earn their daily bread. Were the fear of loss of life to enter their…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 State Fights Franks Alibi

Atlanta GeorgianAugust 14th, 1913 CONLEY ADMITTED MIND WAS BLANK DAY OF CRIME, GIRL SAYS NEGRO DRUNK DAY OF CRIME, MISS CARSON SWEARS HE TOLD HER Miss Helen Curran, a pretty girl of 17 years, proved one of the strongest witnesses…
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Monday, 18th August 1913 Frank Takes Stand – Tells His Story

The Atlanta Journal, Monday, 18th August 1913. Defendant LEO M. FRANK ON WITNESS STAND FACING THE JURY, FRANK ASSERTS HIS INNOCENCE OF MARY PHAGAN'S DEATH All Other Testimony of the Defense Had Been Practically Completed When Court Reconvened Monday Afternoon,…

Tuesday, 19th August 1913 Jim Conley To Be Recalled

The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 19th August 1913.PAGE 1DORSEY ADMITS HE MADE ERASURE ON FACTORY TIME SLIPWith the State determined to make a desperate fight to broad down the impressive story told by Leo M. Frank in his own behalf the trial…

Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Frank, Guilty On First Ballot

The Atlanta Georgian, Tuesday, 26th August 1913. FRANK RETURNING TO HIS CELL IN TOWER AFTER JUDGE'S CHARGE Frank's control of his emotions was never more strikingly shown than on last day of trial. Leo M. Frank, convicted slayer of Mary…
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Wednesday, 27th August 1913 Fight Begun To Save Frank Motion For New Trial Follows Death Sentence

  The Atlanta Georgian, Wednesday, 27th August 1913. FRANK RETURNING TO HIS CELL IN TOWER AFTER JUDGE'S CHARGE Frank's control of his emotions was never more strikingly shown than on last day of trial. Leo M. Frank, convicted slayer of…