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Thursday, 8th May 1913 Lemmie Quinn Grilled by Coroner Paul Donehoo But He Sticks to His Statement, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) Lemmie A. Quinn was called to the stand. He lives at 31B Julliam street, he said, and is foreman of the metal department at the National Pencil factory. Mary…
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Thursday, 8th May 1913 Miss Daisy Jones Convinces Jury She Was Mistaken for Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 8, Column 3, Row 3) Miss Daisy Jones, identified by J. L. Watkins as the girl whom he had mistaken for Mary Phagan on the afternoon of April 26, , appeared before…
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Thursday, 8th May 1913 J. L. Watkins Says He Did Not See Phagan Child on Day of Tragedy, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 8, Column 5) J. L. Watkins, called to the stand after Miss Hall, the stenographer, was excused, clarified his former testimony that he had seen Mary Phagan on the street near her…
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Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Bowen Given Liberty, Makes Full Statement, The Atlanta Journal

Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 (Page 18, Column 5) P. P. Bowen, who was arrested here yesterday on suspicion in connection with an Atlanta case and who was released last night, made this statement today: "My father is S.…
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Tuesday, 6th May 1913 Paul Bowen, Held in Houston, Known Here But Left Atlanta in October, Hasn’t Been Back, The Atlanta Journal

    Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 6th, 1913 (page 1, column 5) Negative Alibi Seems Established for Young Man Held in Texas City as Suspected Murderer of Mary Phagan in Atlanta — Police There Say "Strong Evidence," but Nothing Shows…
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Tuesday, 6th May 1913 Story of Paul Bowens Arrest as Told by Associated Press, The Atlanta Journal

Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 6th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 5) The actions of a man giving his name as Paul P. Bowen, observed by a woman boarder at the hotel where he was stopping, and the story she told the…
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Tuesday, 6th May 1913, Leo Max Frank’s Complete Story of Where He Was and What He Did on Day of Mary Phagan Murder, The Atlanta Journal

Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 6th, 1913 (Page 11, Column 1) For Three Hours and a Half, Mr. Frank Was on the Stand, Answering Questions About His Movements Every Hour and Minute of the Day—He Was Calm and Unruffled When Excused…
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Tuesday, 6th May 1913, Pictures of Fifty Girls Found in Search of Bowens Trunk, The Atlanta Journal

Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 6th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 5) BY KENNETH TODD. Formerly reporter on The Atlanta Journal, now the special correspondent in Houston, Texas. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Paul P. Bowen, a round-faced youth of twenty years,…
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Saturday, 3rd May 1913 Detectives Confer With Coroner and Solicitor Dorsey, The Atlanta Journal

Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 3rd, 1913 (Page 1, Column 5) Following Meeting Lasting Two Hours, Officials Investigating Murder Mystery Visited Scene of Tragedy NO CHANGE IN PLANS FOR INQUEST MONDAY Progress Has Been Made In Developing Evidence, It Is Said,…
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Sunday, 4th May 1913 Girl in Red Dress May Furnish Clue to Phagan Mystery, The Atlanta Journal

Atlanta Journal Sunday May 4th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 5) A 17-year-old miss, blonde and who weighs about 140 pounds, and who was in in Marietta last Wednesday afternoon wearing a dark red dress and a leghorn hat, may furnish…