Monday, 28th April 1913 “God’s Vengeance Will Strike Brute Who Killed Her,” Says Grandfather of Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal Monday, April 28th, 1913 (Page 2, Column 2) Calling upon God Almighty to visit speedy vengeance upon the murderer or murderers of his fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Mary Phagan, whose mutilated body was discovered Sunday morning in the basement…

Monday, 28th April 1913 Coroner’s Jury Visits Scene of Murder and Adjourns Without Rendering Verdict, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal Monday April 28th, 1913 (Page 2, Column 2) Will Meet Again Wednesday Morning When Witnesses Will Be Examined—Five Hundred People Present When Inquest Was Begun For an hour Monday morning, a jury empaneled by Coroner Paul Donehoo…

Monday, 28th April 1913 Man Held for Girl’s Murder Avows He Was With Another When Witness Saw Him Last, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal Monday, April 28th, 1913 (Page 2, Column 4) Arthur Mullinax, Trolley Conductor, Denies That E. L. Sentell Saw Him Saturday Night With Mary Phagan Arthur Mullinax, identified by E. L. Sentell, of 22 Davis street, clerk for…

Monday, 28th April 1913 Police Think Negro Watchman Can Clear Murder Mystery; Four Are Now Under Arrest, The Atlanta Journal
Mary Phagan Atlanta Journal Monday, April 28th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 2) Developments in Case Have Come Thick and Fast Monday but No Evidence Has Yet Been Developed Which Fixes the Atrocious Crime — Mullinax Seems to Have Proved Alibi…

Monday, 28th April 1913 Strand of Hair in Machine on Second Floor May Be Clew Left by Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Journal
1—Mary Phagan's own handwriting, as shown in her address she wrote for Sunday School teacher. 2—Written by Lee at suggestion of detectives for purpose of comparison. 3—One of notes found in cellar. 4—Also written by Lee at suggestion of detectives.…

Monday, 28th April 1913 Thousands Visit Morgue to View Girl’s Body, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal Monday, April 28th, 1913 (Page 2, Column 3) Six thousand people, according to reliable estimates, visited P. J. Bloomfield's undertaking parlors Monday morning to see the body of Mary Phagan. It was the largest crowd, police say,…

Monday, 28th April 1913 Two Maundering Notes Add Mystery to Crime, The Atlanta Journal
1—Mary Phagan's own handwriting, as shown in her address she wrote for Sunday School teacher. 2—Written by Lee at suggestion of detectives for purpose of comparison. 3—One of notes found in cellar. 4—Also written by Lee at suggestion of detectives.…

Monday, 28th April 1913, J. M. Gantt is Arrested on His Arrival in Marietta; He Visited Factory Saturday, The Atlanta Journal
Arthur Mullinax, who seems to have established an alibi through statements of friends that he was at home on night of the murder. The Atlanta Journal Monday, April 28th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1, Row 1) James Milton Gantt Protests…

Monday, 11th August 1913 Deputy Hunting Scalp Of Juror-Ventiloquist
Atlanta GeorgianAugust 11th, 1913 Big Bob Deavors, Deputy Sheriff in charge of the Frank trial jury, marched to the courtroom Monday morning with an aching head and a grim determination to get even with Juror A. H. Henslee, whose elusive…

Monday, 11th August 1913 Grief-Stricken Mother Shows No Vengefulness
August 11th, 1913Atlanta Georgian By TARLETON COLLIER. That black-clad woman in the corner of the courtroom—nobody has noticed her much. Things have happened so swiftly in the Frank trial that all eyes are on the rush of events, waiting for…