GODFREY WEINKAUF, Sworn In For The State, 84th To Testify

GODFREY WEINKAUF, sworn for the Defendant.I am superintendent of the Pencil Company's lead plant. Beginningwith July, 1912, up until the first week in January, 1913, I visited the officeof the pencil factory every other Saturday, between three and fiveo'clock. I…

FRANK PAYNE, Sworn In For The State, 82nd To Testify

FRANK PAYNE, sworn for the Defendant.I was office boy last Thanksgiving day at the pencil factory. It wassnowing that day. I am 16 years old. Mr. Schiff and Mr. Frank wereworking there in the office that day. Mr. Schiff sent…

MISS LAURA ATKINSON, Sworn In For The State, 88th To Testify

MISS LAURA ATKINSON, sworn for the Defendant.I have been in Mr. Dalton's company three times. I never met himat the Busy Bee Cafe. I have never walked with him to or from the pencilcompany. I have never walked home with…

R P BUTLER, Sworn In For The State, 105th To Testify

R. P. BUTLER, sworn for the Defendant.I am the shipping clerk of the Pencil Company. I am familiar withthe doors leading into the metal room. They are wooden doors, withglass windows. There is no trouble looking through these windows intothe…

ISAAC HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 103rd To Testify

ISAAC HAAS, sworn for the Defendant.I know Leo M. Frank for over five years. His character is verygood. I did not hear my telephone ring on Sunday morning, April 27th.My wife heard it. The telephone is twenty-two feet from my…

J R LEACH, Sworn In For The State, 112th To Testify

J. R. LEACH, sworn for the Defendant.I am division superintendent of the Ga. Rwy. & Power Co. I knowthe schedule of the Georgia Avenue line and the Washington Street line.The Georgia Avenue line leaves Broad and Marietta on the hour…

PROF J E VANDERHOEF, Sworn In For The State, 129th To Testify

PROF. J. E. VANDERHOEF, sworn for the Defendant.I am foreman of the foundry at Cornell University. I knew LeoFrank for two years when he attended the University. His characterwas good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have been at Cornell 25 years. As to what…

MISS EULA MAY FLOWERS, Sworn In For The State, 138th To Testify

MISS EULA MAY FLOWERS, sworn for the Defendant.I work on the second floor of the pencil factory. I have known Mr.Frank for three years. His general character is good. I have knownConley for 2 years. His general character for truth…

MRS J 0 PARMELEE, Sworn In For The State, 136th To Testify

MRS. J. 0. PARMELEE, sworn for the Defendant.My husband is a stockholder in the National Pencil Company. Mr.Frank's general character is very good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have seen Mr. Frank at the jail twice. I have only come in contactwith him once…

M F GOLDSTEIN, Sworn In For The State, 131st To Testify

M. F. GOLDSTEIN, sworn for the Defendant.I practice law in Atlanta. I have known Leo Frank about three anda half years. His character is very good.CROSS EXAMINATION.We used to live on the same street together. I would see him nearlyevery…