D H PICKETT, Sworn In For The State, 167th To Testify

D. H. PICKETT, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I work at Beck & Gregg Hardware Co. I was present when that paperwas signed (State's Exhibit J) by Minola Mc Knight. Albert Mc Knight,Starnes, Campbell, Mr. Craven, Mr. Gordon was present…

W C DOBBS, Sworn In For The State, 178th To Testify

W. C. DOBBS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.Motorman Matthews told me two or three days after the murderthat Mary Phagan and George Epps got on his car together and left atMarietta and Broad Streets.CROSS EXAMINATION.Sergeant Dobbs is my father.W…

J M GANTT, Sworn In For The State, 184th To Testify

J. M. GANTT, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I have seen Leo Frank make up the financial sheet. It would takehim an hour and a half after I gave him the data.J M GANTT, Sworn In For The State, 184th…

GEORGE KENDLEY, Sworn In For The State, 172nd To Testify

GEORGE KENDLEY, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am with the Georgia Railway & Power Co. I saw Mary Phaganabout noon on April 26th 1913. She was going to the pencil factory fromMarietta Street. When I saw her she stepped…

J C MCEWING, Sworn In For The State, 170th To Testify

J. C. Mc EWING, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a street car motorman. I ran on Marietta and Decatur StreetApril 26th. My car was due in town at ten minutes after the hour onApril 26th. Hollis' and Matthews…

N KELLY, Sworn In For The State, 174th To Testify

N. KELLY, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a motorman of the Georgia Railway & Power Co. On April26th, I was standing at the corner of Forsyth and Marietta Street aboutthree minutes after 12. I was going to catch…

M E MCCOY, Sworn In For The State, 171st To Testify

M. E. Mc COY, sworn for the State, in rebuttal.I knew Mary Phagan. I saw her on April 26th, 1913 in front of Cooledge's place at 12 Forsyth Street. She was going towards pencil company, south on Forsyth Street on…

HENRY HOFFMAN, Sworn In For The State, 173rd To Testify

HENRY HOFFMAN, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am inspector of the street car company. Matthews is under me acertain part of the day. On April 26th he was under me from 11:30 to12:07. His car was due at Broad…

W W ROGERS, Sworn In For The State, 179th To Testify

W. W. ROGERS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.On Sunday morning after the murder, I tried to go up the stairsleading from the basement up to the next floor. The door was fasteneddown. The staircase was very dusty, like it…

DR S C BENEDICT, Sworn In For The State, 168th To Testify

DR. S. C. BENEDICT, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am president of the State Board of Health. I was a member ofthe Board when Dr. Westmoreland preferred charges against Dr. Harris.Those minutes (State's Exhibit N) are correct. I desire…