W C DOBBS, Sworn In For The State, 178th To Testify
W. C. DOBBS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.Motorman Matthews told me two or three days after the murderthat Mary Phagan and George Epps got on his car together and left atMarietta and Broad Streets.CROSS EXAMINATION.Sergeant Dobbs is my father.W…
GEORGE GORDON, Sworn In For The State, 164th To Testify
GEORGE GORDON, sworn for the State in rebuttal. I am a practicing lawyer. I was at police station part of the time when Minola Mc Knight was making her statement. I was outside of the door most of the…
IVY JONES, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 185th To Testify
IVY JONES (colored), sworn for the State in rebuttal.I saw Jim Conley at the corner of Hunter and Forsyth Streets onApril 26th 1913. He came in the saloon while I was there, between one and two o'clock. He was not…
Monday, 2nd March 1914: Burns Expected In Atlanta Tuesday To Take Up Frank Case, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 2nd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Detective Finishes His Lecture Tour in St. AugustineMonday Night and Will Then Hasten HereCOURT TO RESENTENCE FRANK DURING WEEKHis Attorneys Will Ask That Life Term Be Given Defend AntInstead of Sentence of…
Thursday, 5th March 1914: Leo M. Frank Begs Detectives To Open Minds To The Truth, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 5th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Convicted Man in Tower Gives Out New Statement and Hits at CityDetective John Black"TELL TRUTH WHILE YOU CAN DO SO WITH HONOR"Stiles Hopkins Tells How Affidavit was Secured From Epps-Boy Sticks to…
Tuesday, 3rd March 1914: Wildauer And Klein Employed Burns To Probe Phagan Case, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 3rd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Prominent Dentist and Business man, Both Friends of Leo M. Frank, Engaged the Famous DetectiveCONVICTED MAN MAY BE SENTENCED TOMORROWRemittitur of Supreme Court Received by Lower Court Rosser and Haas in New…
Wednesday, 4th March 1914: George Epps Repudiates Story Against Leo Frank, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 4th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3 AND PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.SWORE LIES IN REGARD TO TIME HE SAW MARY ON APRIL 26,HE SAYSNewsboyWho Figured Prominently in Trial and Whose Testimony Had Much to Do With Establishing Time…
Monday, 30th March 1914: Witness For Leo Frank Is Found In Chicago, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 30th March 1914,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.Attorneys for Defense Will Not Divulge Name or Character of His TestimonyThat a witness material to the defense of Leo M. Frank has been located in the suburbs of Chicago is the…
Friday, 6th March 1914: Frank Pins Hope To Affidavit Signed By Mrs. Ethel Miller, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 6th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Condemned Man Recalls His Speaking to Her on Street at TimeConley Said He Was Hiding Body in FactoryDEFENSE'S TIME ALIBI FURTHER STRENGTHENEDHelen Kern's Testimony That She Also Saw FrankAbout 1:10 o'Clock on…
Sunday, 1st March 1914: Leo Frank Gives Reasons Why He Couldn’t Have Killed Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 1st March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.StaffPhoto by Wine.Leo M. Frank.This is the latest photograph of the man convicted for the murder of Mary Phagan.Frank posed for The Journal in the tower for the first picture made of…