Monday, 16th March 1914: Burns Daughter, Here With “dad,” Watches Frank’s Case Closely, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 16th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Detection appears to be the one thing that is not a hobby of Miss Florence Burns, daughter of William J. Burns, the detective, for, although Miss Burns, who is in Atlanta with…

Tuesday, 31st March 1914: Dorsey Will Combat New Frank Evidence, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 31st March 1914,PAGE 4, COLUMN 1.State Investigates Character of Witnesses Presented in Defense's Final MotionThe state is preparing vigorously to attack the testimony of Mary Rich, colored, and also of Mrs. J. B. Simmons, when the hearing…

Saturday, 7th March 1914: Protesting Innocence Frank Is Re-sentenced, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 7th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.MANUSCRIPT OF FRANK'S STATEMENT -StaffPhoto by Winn.The above is from a photographic reproduction of the concluding paragraph of the Leo M. Frank statement to Judge Ben Hill in the criminal division of…

Sunday, 22nd March 1914: Burns To Quiz Who Have Had Part In Murder’s Probe, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 22nd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Newspaper Men and Others to Be Questioned by Detective Burns he Expects to Satisfy All With ReportATTORNEY ARNOLD BACK;NEW DISCLOSURES SOONSolicitor Dorsey Gets Paper From Former Pencil Factory Employee Combating Becker's Evidence,…
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Wednesday, 25th March 1914: Smith Is Giving His Service Free To James Conley, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 25th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Family of His Client Unable to Furnish Funds for His Defense, Says Attorney for Negro Sweeper.SMITH WILL PUSH PLEA FOR NEW CONLEY TRIALEven Though Judge Should Decline Frank New Trial,Extraordinary Motion Will…
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Sunday, 15th March 1914: M’knight Badly Injured Trying To Slip Into City Unnoticed By Detectives, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 15th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Prisoner in TowerAsks Public For Answers to These Questions By LEO FRANK.I have answered a number of questions put to me in reference to various points in my case.I now wish, in…
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Saturday, 14th March 1914: More Affidavits Are Made Public By Frank Defense, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 14th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Mrs. J. B. SimmonsTestifiesShe Heard Screams in Factory After 2 O'Clock on Day of Murder.CONLEY A SURLY NEGRO,ASSERTS GIRL WITNESSRuby Snipes Declares He Tried to Get Money From Her at Spot Defense…
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Monday, 16th March 1914: From Pulpits Comes Call For New Trial For Frank Burns Here To Open Probe, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 16th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Dr. L. O. Bricker, Dr. A. R. Holderby and Dr. Julien RodgersDeliver Sermons on Case on Sunday and Dr. Fred A.Line Will Speak on Next Sunday All Urge Another Hearing."I WOULDN'T HANG…
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Thursday, 12th March 1914: Smith To Protect Conley From Grill By William Burns, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 12th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Under Certain Conditions, However, Lawyer May Allow the Detective to Have Talk With Prisoner in Cell.WANTS TO KNOW FIRST DETECTIVE'S ATTITUDE Says He Will Insist Upon Being Present at Any InterviewBarrett's Claim…
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Friday, 6th March 1914: Frank’s Time Alibi Gets New Support In Two Affidavits Given The Defense, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 6th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Mrs. Ethel MillerSwears That She Saw Frank on Street at TimeJim Conley Says He and the Prisoner Were Taking Phagan's Body to basementHER STORY IS SIMILAR TO ONE TOLD ON STAND AT…