DR LEROY CHILDS, Sworn In For The State, 121st To Testify
DR. LEROY CHILDS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a surgeon. If a person dies and the body found three o'clockin the morning, rigor mortis not quite complete, embalmed the next dayabout ten o'clock, the body disinterred nine days later and…
7 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From J R Floyd To Lem Smith, 153rd To Testify
J. R. FLOYD, R. M. GODDARD, A. L. GODDARD, N. J. BALLARD, HENRY CARR, J. S. RICE, LEM SMITH, all sworn for theState, testified that they knew Daisy Hopkins; that her general characterfor truth and veracity was bad and that…
R L CRAVEN, Sworn In For The State, 165th To Testify
R. L. CRAVEN, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am connected with the Beck and Gregg Hardware Co. AlbertMc Knight also works for the same company. He asked me to go downand see if I could get Minola Mc Knight…
MISS SARAH BARNES, Sworn In For The State, 141st To Testify
MISS SARAH BARNES, sworn for the Defendant.I worked at the pencil factory over four years. His character isgood. I have never heard anything bad. He has been the best of men.CROSS EXAMINATION.No one has talked to me about what I…
MISS BESSIE FLEMING, Sworn In For The State, 143rd To Testify
MISS BESSIE FLEMING, sworn for the Defendant.I worked as stenographer at Mr. Frank's office from April, 1911, toDecember, 1911. Mr. Frank's character was unusually good.CROSS EXAMINATIONI am just talking about my personal relations with him. I have neverseen him do…
MRS EMMA CLARK FREEMAN, Sworn In For The State, 140th To Testify
MRS. EMMA CLARK FREEMAN, sworn for the Defendant.I have worked at the pencil factory over four years. Mr. Frank'sgeneral character is good. I am a married woman. I have known Conleyever since he has been at the factory. His general…
ALFRED LORING LANE, Sworn In For The State, 122nd To Testify
ALFRED LORING LANE, sworn for the Defendant.I am a resident of Brooklyn, N. Y. I have known Leo Frank about15 years. I knew him four years at Pratt Institute which we both at.tended. I also knew him after he returned…
ALBERT MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 164th To Testify
ALBERT Mc Knight, Colored, sworn for the State in rebuttal.This sideboard (Defendant's Exhibit 52) sets more this way than itwas at the time I was there.CROSS EXAMINATIONI don't know if the sideboard was changed, but it wasn't setting likethat is…
MISSES ANNIE OSBORNE, REBECCA CARSON, MAUDE WRIGHT, AND MRS ELLA THOMAS, Sworn In For The State, denotated as a cluster of people who testified separately and individually, 148th To Testify
MISS ANNIE OSBORNE, MISS REBECCA CARSON, MISS MAUDE WRIGHT, AND MRS. ELLA THOMAS,All sworn for the defendant, testified that they were employees of the National Pencil company; that Mr. Frank's general character was good; that Conley's character for truth and…
MRS J J WARDLAW, Sworn In For The State, 146th To Testify
MRS. J. J. WARDLAW, sworn for the Defendant.I worked at the pencil factory four years. I worked on the fourthfloor. Mr. Frank's character is good. I have never met Mr. Frank atany time or place for any immoral purpose.CROSS EXAMINATION.I…