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Sunday, 22nd March 1914: Hensley’s Evidence Will Attack Part Of Becker’s Story, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 22nd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Former Employee of National Pencil Factory Holds Conference With Solicitor Hugh Dorsey.REUBEN ARNOLD HOME FROM NEW YORK TRIPBurns and Leonard J.Haas Are Planning to Leave for Gotham MondayLehon Takes Charge Here.Evidence declared…
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Monday, 23rd March 1914: Detective Burns Goes To New York To Hunt Evidence, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 23rd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Leonard HaasLeft for Gotham on Sunday Morning and Sleuth Will Leave This Morning.Detective William J. Burns and Leonard Haas are going to New York to investigate the same phase of the Frank…
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Tuesday, 24th March 1914: Allan Pinkerton Defends Agency In Frank Probe, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 24th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.Letter Follows an Attack Recently Made Upon Private Detectives by Detective William J. Burns.Letter Follows an Attack Recently Made Upon Private Detectives by Detective William J. Burns.LEHON TO TAKE CHARGE IN ABSENCE…
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Thursday, 26th March 1914: Probe Telegrams Sent From Newark, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 26th March 1914,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.Messages Signed "John Black"Received by James Conley and Others Will Be Investigated.Detectives and attorneys in the Frank case are investigating the source of numerous telegrams that have come from Newark, N. J.,…
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Saturday, 28th March 1914: Jim Conley’s Story Assailed In Motion Of Frank’s Counsel, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 28th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Solicitor General Dorsey Is Served With Formal Notice New Trial Petition Will Be Filed Within Twenty Days.WITNESSES FOR REPUDIATE TESTIMONYSolicitor and Detectives Attacked in Notice Dalton Repudiates Testimony.New Witness to Alibi.Solicitor General…
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Sunday, 29th March 1914: Leonard Haas Back From New York Trip, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 29th March 1914,PAGE 4, COLUMN 5.Counsel for Frank Says Burns Has Been Successful in Gotham.Leonard Haas, member of counsel for Leo M. Frank, who accompanied Detective William J. Burns to New York on the detective's present journey,…
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Monday, 30th March 1914: Welcome Given To B’nai B’rith, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 30th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Higher Idealism in Affairs of Jewish Race Voiced at Opening Session of Fortieth Convention.TODAY'S PROGRAM.10 a. m.Opening of Convention Hall of Hebrew Orphan Home, Washington Street.Opening Prayer, Rabbi E. N. Calisch.Welcome, Leonard…
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Wednesday, 7th January 1914: Roan’s Comment Basis For New Trial, Says Brief, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 7th January 1914,PAGE 10, COLUMN 1.Supplemental Paper in Frank CaseWon't DelayFinal DecisionAttorneys for Leo M.FrankWednesday morning completed the supplemental brief which they will file with the state supreme court.This brief covers sixty-three pages of typewritten legal cap…
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Thursday, 8th January 1914: Jury In Deadlock Over Case Of Ira W.fisher, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 8th January 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Disagreement Reported, but Judge Fite Refuses to Dismiss Case. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.)DALTON, Ga., Jan. 8.The case of Ira W. Fisher, the man who made sensational accusations in the Frank case…
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Thursday, 15th January 1914: Journal’s Prediction On Frank Case Sustained, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 15th January 1914,PAGE 18, COLUMN 3.Supreme Court Ends January Term Without Handing Down Decision on AppealThe Journal's exclusive story predicting the decision in the Frank case would not be handed down by the supreme court at its…