Saturday, 7th March 1914: No Clemency Plea Planned For Frank, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 7th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Counsel for Prisoner Will Concentrate Efforts on Securing New Trial Through Extraordinary Motion.Counsel for Leo Frank stated positively to a reporter for The Constitution Friday afternoon that no plea for clemency would…

Sunday, 8th March 1914: New Developments In Case Of Frank Come With A Rush After Resentence, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 8th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Repudiation of TestimonyGiven on Stand by George EppsAttacked in Two Af FidavitsFurnished Solicitor by Father and Uncle of BoyAssertYouth Says His Statement True and He Was Trapped Into Repudiation While in Birmingham.MURDER…

Sunday, 15th March 1914: M’knight Badly Injured Trying To Slip Into City Unnoticed By Detectives, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 15th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Prisoner in TowerAsks Public For Answers to These Questions By LEO FRANK.I have answered a number of questions put to me in reference to various points in my case.I now wish, in…

Thursday, 12th March 1914: Smith To Protect Conley From Grill By William Burns, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 12th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Under Certain Conditions, However, Lawyer May Allow the Detective to Have Talk With Prisoner in Cell.WANTS TO KNOW FIRST DETECTIVE'S ATTITUDE Says He Will Insist Upon Being Present at Any InterviewBarrett's Claim…

Friday, 13th March 1914: Burns Expected To Arrive Today, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 13th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Story of Alleged "Frame Up" by Detective Black Told Defense by Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins.A further attempt to show a "frame-up" on the part of Detective John Black, of the city detective…

Saturday, 28th March 1914: Jim Conley’s Story Assailed In Motion Of Frank’s Counsel, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 28th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Solicitor General Dorsey Is Served With Formal Notice New Trial Petition Will Be Filed Within Twenty Days.WITNESSES FOR REPUDIATE TESTIMONYSolicitor and Detectives Attacked in Notice Dalton Repudiates Testimony.New Witness to Alibi.Solicitor General…

Thursday, 26th March 1914: Probe Telegrams Sent From Newark, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 26th March 1914,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.Messages Signed "John Black"Received by James Conley and Others Will Be Investigated.Detectives and attorneys in the Frank case are investigating the source of numerous telegrams that have come from Newark, N. J.,…

Saturday, 14th February 1914: Godbee Hearing Mondy Before Supreme Court, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 14th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Plea of Millen-Woman for New Trial HeadsList of CasesBefore BodyBeginningMonday, the state supreme court will hear arguments in a number of cases.Among the appeals on the calendar for argument then are those…

Thursday, 15th January 1914: Journal’s Prediction On Frank Case Sustained, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 15th January 1914,PAGE 18, COLUMN 3.Supreme Court Ends January Term Without Handing Down Decision on AppealThe Journal's exclusive story predicting the decision in the Frank case would not be handed down by the supreme court at its…

Wednesday, 7th January 1914: Roan’s Comment Basis For New Trial, Says Brief, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 7th January 1914,PAGE 10, COLUMN 1.Supplemental Paper in Frank CaseWon't DelayFinal DecisionAttorneys for Leo M.FrankWednesday morning completed the supplemental brief which they will file with the state supreme court.This brief covers sixty-three pages of typewritten legal cap…