Leo Frank’s defense attorneys gather depositions from National Pencil Company employees on June 30, 1913, Atlanta, Georgia
BY ATTORNEYS L.Z. ROSSER, R.R. ARNOLD, AND H.J. HAAS AT THE PLANT OF THE NATIONAL PENCIL COMPANY, BEGINNING 2:00 P.M., JUNE 30TH, 1913. EXAMINATION OF W.R. FULLERTON. Questions by L.Z. Rosser Esq:- Question. Mr. Fullerton, you were employed as book-keeper…

100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins
Video Streaming: 100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins Video Download: 100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins (SD version) Take a journey through time with the American Mercury, and experience…

The Leo Frank Trial: Closing Arguments, Solicitor Dorsey
Video Streaming: The Leo Frank Trial: Closing Arguments, Solicitor Dorsey, Part One Video Download: The Leo Frank Trial: Closing Arguments, Solicitor Dorsey, Part One Video Streaming: The Leo Frank Trial: Closing Arguments, Solicitor Dorsey, Part Two Video…

Monday, 17th November 1913: Frank Files Reasons For New Trial, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 17th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.PHAGAN CASE IN SUPREME COURTArgument To Be Set for December 15 and Final Decision May Be Made by March.All doubt as to when the arguments will be heard by the Supreme Court…

Sunday, 2nd November 1913: Mystery Of Phagan Case Deepened By Address Of Judge Roan, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 2nd November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Admission of Court In Denying New Trial That He Was Not Convinced Either of Guilt or Innocence Creates Sensation.'Old Police Reporter' Finds Lawyers Who Believe Admission of Doubt Was Attempt to Right…

Monday, 3rd November 1913: Frank Relies On Roan’s Speech For A New Trial, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 3rd November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Georgian's ReportMade the RecordThe Georgian's report of Judge L. S. Roan's remarkable expression of doubt in refusing to grant Leo M. Frank a new trial was Saturday incorporated into the official bill…

Wednesday, 5th November 1913: Judge’s Words Give Leo Frank New Hope, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 5th November 1913,PAGE 11, COLUMN 2.Attorneys Hold That Roan's ExpressedDoubt Will Make Rehearing Assured.Attorneys for Leo M. Frank Tuesday made the declaration that the Supreme Court of Georgia could avoid giving their client a new trial only…

Thursday, 6th November 1913: All Around The Town Little Facts And Fancies About Well-known Atlantans, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 6th November 1913,PAGE 11, COLUMN 2."So many people mispronounce the name of the senior Senator from Wisconsin," said Wiliam Schley Howard to-day, "and there really is no difficulty whatever about it. It is pronounced the easiest way…

Tuesday, 4th November 1913: Judge Hill Orders Locker Club Probe, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 4th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.ASSERTS GUN TOTING IS MENACENew Justice Tells Body It Must NotSpareLiquor LawViolators Judge Ben Hill, in his first official act as a member of the Superior Court bench, Monday opened a campaign…

Wednesday, 12th November 1913: Conley Taken To Court For Trial, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 12th November 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 8.TO PLEAD GUILTY AS AID TO FRANKTwo Indictments as Accessory in Phagan CasePending NegroWill Deny Felony Charge.Jim Conley, the State's star witness against Leo M. Frank and an admitted accessory after the…