Friday, 19th December 1913: Broyles To Oppose Roan For Appellate Judgeship Many Seek Police Bench, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 19th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Announces CandidacyJUDGE NASH R. BROYLES.Who announces he will run against Judge Roan for the court of appeals.PAGE 1, COLUMN 7BROYLES' PLACE ALREADY SOUGHT BY 7 CANDIDATESAtlanta Recorder Announces That He Will Offer…
Thursday, 25th December 1913: Laboring Folk Of Griffin Send Dorsey Xmas Present, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 25th December 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 4.Griffin, Ga., December 24.The East Griffin cotton mill folk are today sending Hon. Hugh M. Dorsey a pair of gold cuff buttons as a Christmas present as a token of their appreciation…
Wednesday, 10th December 1913: Head Of Vice Squad, Indorsed By Chief, Demoted By Board, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 10th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Chief BeaversWantedJ. W. Barfield Made a Sergeant When Office of Roundsmen Was Abolished.CHAIRMAN MASON LEADS FIGHT AGAINST OFFICERChargesDissension Has Existed in Department as Result of His Administration.He Drops to Patrolman.The police board…
Saturday, 27th December 1913: Supplemental Briefs Ready In Frank Case, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 27th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 6.Defense Will Stress Judge Roan's DoubtAs to Guilt of the Prisoner.Supplemental briefs will be filed in the supreme court today by attorneys for the defense in the Leo M. Frank case calling…
Sunday, 21st December 1913: Supplementary Briefs To Correct Mistakes, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 21st December 1913,PAGE 27, COLUMN 1.Defense Claims Judge Roan Has Reversed Himself Since Going on Appellate Bench.While it is true that attorneys on both sides of the Frank case will ask the supreme court for permission to…
Monday, 22nd December 1913: Court In Whitfield Convenes January 5, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 22nd December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Dalton, Ga., December 21.(Special.)The January term of Whitfield superior court will convene here on January 5, Judge Fite presiding.This is not the term at which the grand jury meets, but owing to…
Friday, 12th December 1913: Frank’s Lawyers Complete Brief, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 12th December 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 6.Judge Roan's Ruling Is Severely Criticized in Appeal to Supreme Court for New TrialJudge L. S. Roan's ruling in the Frank case was severely criticized in the brief which Frank's attorneys will…
Wednesday, 17th December 1913: Leo Frank’s Fate Now Rests With High Tribunal, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 17th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Stirring Speeches Are Made by Attorney General Felder for State and Luther Z. Rosser for Defense.FELDER IS CRITICAL OF JUDGE L. S. ROANHe Declares the Judge's Comments Had No Rightful Place in…
Wednesday, 31st December 1913: Men And Business Bulletin No. 91, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 31st December 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 5."Errare Humanum Est"To err is human.To differ with your fellowman is still more human.Adam and Eve had their differences.The Disciples of Christ did not always agree.If they were still living the chances…
Tuesday, 9th December 1913: “deaf And Dumb” Man Talks To Detective, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 9th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Joe Moore, a youth, was sentenced to ten days in the stockade Monday afternoon by Recorder Broyles for alleged criminal mendicancy.He was arrested on Marietta Street Saturday night by Policeman Covington, who…