Friday, 27th February 1914: Detectives Scored In Alleged Formby Confession, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 27th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Photo by Francis E. Price, Staff Photographer.ATLANTA'S DETECTIVE FORCE.In a statement given out in New York, supposedly by Mrs. Nina Formby, five Atlanta officers are mentioned, two of whom, Chewning and Norris,…

Sunday, 22nd February 1914: State Witness Repudiates Testimony Against Frank, Promised Money, He Says, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 22nd February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Albert Mc Knight,Who Testified That Prisoner Came Home,Then Left Suddenly, and Who Told of Wife's Alleged Statement, Has Made Denial of Old Affidavit.EXTRAORDINARY MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL TO BE NEXT STEP…

Friday, 20th February 1914: Frank’s Attorneys Could Not Complete Document Yesterday Speculation As To What Burns Will Do., The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 20th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.It is expected that that the attorneys for Leo M. Frank's defense will probably file today their motion for a rehearing of the case.Although closeted all day Thursday.Attorneys Reuben Arnold and Luther…

Monday, 2nd March 1914: Frank Case Waits On Transmission Of Legal Papers, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 2nd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Reported That Remittitur of Supreme CourtWill Reach Clerk of Superior Court Some Time Today.FERGUSON AFFIDAVIT LATEST DEVELOPMENTWitnessTestifiedFrankRefused to Give HerMary Phagan's Pay, But Did Not Say Girl Was Coming For It.On Monday…

Wednesday, 4th March 1914: Luther Z. Rosser Holds Conference In New York Over Leo Frank’s Case, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 4th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Lawyers for PrisonerTell New York Newspaper Men Atlanta Was Stirred by Large Number of Unavenged Murders, and That the Newspapers and People Were Determined on Meeting Out Punishment to Slayer of GirlFAIR…

Tuesday, 24th February 1914: All Night Search To Find M’knight Meets No Success Dorsey Seeks To Show Hair That Of Phagan, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 24th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Defense Announces That if the Supreme Court Refuses Frank a Rehearing, New Trial Motion Will Be Filed.Refuting the theory of the Leo Frank's counsel that the strands of hair found on the…

Thursday, 19th February 1914: Counsel For Frank To Ask A Rehearing By Supreme Court, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 19th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.First Step in New Battle to Save Life of Prisoner Convicted of Phagan Murder, Will Be Taken Today.BURNS TO INVESTIGATE MARY PHAGAN MURDER"Its Mysterious Features Appeal to Me, and I want To…

Tuesday, 3rd March 1914: Many Affidavits Held By Defense, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 3rd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Will Probably Be Published Before End of Week, Burns Confers With Frank In Tower.That the attorneys for the defense of Leo M. Frank will make a tremendous fight for a new trial…

Saturday, 21st February 1914: Jim Conley Case To Come To Trial Week From Today, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 21st February 1914,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Jim Conley, principal witness in the Leo Frank trial and now held in jail as accessory after the fact in the killing of Mary Phagan, come to trial a week from today…

Saturday, 28th February 1914: Appeal For Frank Delayed By Hope Of New Evidence, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 28th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Astonishing Development In Case of Prisoner Expect Ed Within Short Time by Lawyers for Defense.LATHAM IN BIRMINGHAM, SAYS J. E. McCLELLANDMc Knight Has Returned to His Home Mrs. Frank Gives Out Card…