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Wednesday, 5th November 1913: Bridge Party For Visitors, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 5th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Miss Margaret Bramlett entertained at a bridge partyWednesday afternoon at her home in Inman Park, the occasion assembling a largenumber of her friends to meet two attractive visitors. Miss Grace Lipscomb, ofWashington,…
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Thursday, 13th November 1913: Woman Who Led Campaign To Put End To Vice In Chicago Confers With Chief Beavers, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 13th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Photos by Francis E.Price.ChiefBeavers, who stamped out Atlantas segregated district, and Virginia Brooks,who started big fight on vice in Chicago. This picture was taken Wednesdayafternoon by The Constitutions photographer, in Chief Beavers…
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Sunday, 9th November 1913: Jim Conley Faces Trial On Tuesday, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 9th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.NegroCharged With Being Ac-cessory After Fact in Murderof Mary PhaganJim Conley, the negro sweeper at theNational Pencil factory, principal witness against Leo M. Frank, who is undersentence of death for the murder…
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Friday, 7th November 1913: Thomas Is Given Chief Judgeship, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 7th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.J. B. Ridley, Luther Rosser,Jr., and Chief Judge WillServe Four Years, McClel-land and HathcockTwo.E. D. Thomas is to be the chief judgeof the new municipal court for a term of four years.J.…
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Saturday, 8th November 1913: Court Asked To Enjoin Georgia Power Company, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 8th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Right of Eminent Domain At-Tacked in Suit Filed byMrs. S. C. LoebA suit, which, if sustained, my preventthe Georgia Railway and Power company exercising the right of eminent domain,and so prevent it…
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Sunday, 9th November 1913: A Dead Hero Is The Poorest Sort Of A Husband; Boots Rogers, Hero Extraordinary, Learns Lesson, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 9th November 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 1.Photos by Francis E. Price.Upper picture: Boots Rogers, at extreme right, standing besideautomobile with detectives with whom he worked on the Phagan murder mystery.Lower illustrations: Rogers at time of the Frank trial,…
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Tuesday, 11th November 1913: No Postponement In Frank Hearing, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 11th November 1913,PAGE 4, COLUMN 3.Supreme Court Issues Rul-ing That Argument in theMurder Case Must BeginAbout December 15.There will besuspension of the rules of the supreme court to give attorneys more time inwhich to prepare to argue…
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Thursday, 6th November 1913: Mrs. Crawford Wants Case To Be Tried Soon, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 6th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.Her AttorneyAsks for SpecialSolicitor to Bring Case Be-fore Next Grand JuryAnxious to clear the cloud from her wascharged by a justice court warrant seven months ago with the murder of herhusband, the…
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Saturday, November 1st, 1913: Trial Judge Says Last Word on Bias of Jury, Declares Court of Appeals, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution, Saturday, 1st November 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.   TRIAL JUDGE SAYS LAST WORD ON BIAS OF JURY, DECLARES COURT OF APPEALS Important Decision Handed Down, Following Close Upon Heels of Judge Roans Decision in Frank Case,…
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Monday, 3rd November 1913: Judges Of New Court Are Named, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution, Monday, 3rd November 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 4. Four of the five judges of the municipal court, which will take the place in Atlanta of the courts of the justices of the peace, are shown here. At…