Saturday, 20th December 1913: Frank Lawyers Reopen Attack On Dorsey, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 20th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.DISTORTION OF FACTS IS ALLEGEDSolicitor's Statement as to Time Slip Taken From Factory Is Vigorously Assailed.Attorneys for Leo M. Frank announced Friday that they were engaged in the preparation of a supplemental…

Saturday, 13th December 1913: Dorsey Attacks Rosser’s Decision, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 13th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.MOB TRIED FRANK, IS DEFENSE CHARGEBoth SidesCriticize Court in Long BriefsFiled in Appeal to Supreme Court.Judge L. S. Roan, presiding judge in the famous Frank trial, Friday trial, Friday found himself between…

Friday, 12th December 1913: Roan Attacked In Frank Appeal, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 12th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.BRIEFS FOR FINAL LIFEBATTLE READYTrialJudge Termed "Vacillating" by Defense Attorneys Hearing Likely to Start Monday.Severe criticism is made of Judge L. S. Roan for certain phases of his conduct of the trial…

Saturday, 6th December 1913: Lid On To Stay, Says Beavers, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 6th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.CITY CLEAN NOW, SAYS CHIEF"The Law and Noble Policemen My Weapons in Fight," He Writes in Magazine."All the good people of any city have to do is to stand together and the…

Thursday, 18th December 1913: Supreme Court Sets To Unraveling Red Thread Of Truth In Frank Case By James B. Nevin., The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 18th December 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.Impartial observers, people with minds unprejudiced and free of bias, must have sighed a weight of sincere relief from their souls when, at last, the arguments closed in the Supreme Court hearing…

Tuesday, 16th December 1913: Dorsey Ends Speech Against New Frank Trial, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 16th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.FELDER TO TALK FOR STATENEXTJustices Likely Will Try to Reach Decision on Appeal by the End of January.Repeating his vehement assertions that Leo M. Frank is without a vestige of legal or…

Wednesday, 17th December 1913: Frank’s Fate With Supreme Court Judges, The Atlanta Georgian
The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 17th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.FELDER HIT BY ROSSER IN FINAL PLEAA third time within less than four months the fate of Leo M. Frank hangs in the balance.Arguments in the appeal for a new trial were…

Saturday, 6th December 1913: Detectives’ Pay Day Of Interest To “Dips”, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution, Saturday, 6th December 1913, PAGE 6, COLUMN 5. While Beavers Considers Letter a Joke, Hollingsworth Can't Appreciate It. Not so very long ago, Detective John Hollingsworth, of Chief Lanford's staff at headquarters, was frisked of $63…

Wednesday, 31st December 1913: Men And Business Bulletin No. 91, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 31st December 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 5."Errare Humanum Est"To err is human.To differ with your fellowman is still more human.Adam and Eve had their differences.The Disciples of Christ did not always agree.If they were still living the chances…

Thursday, 25th December 1913: Laboring Folk Of Griffin Send Dorsey Xmas Present, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 25th December 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 4.Griffin, Ga., December 24.The East Griffin cotton mill folk are today sending Hon. Hugh M. Dorsey a pair of gold cuff buttons as a Christmas present as a token of their appreciation…