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Wednesday, 19th November 1913: First Murder Trial Before Judge Hill, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 19th November 1913,PAGE 14, COLUMN 2.Will Burnett, a negro, was convicted ofmanslaughter in Judge Ben Hills division of the superior court on Tuesday. Hewas given a twenty-year sentence.The negro made a statement to the juryin which he…
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Wednesday, 26th November 1913: Conley Will Be Tried During January Term, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 26th November 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 4.Negro Factory Sweeper Appears in Court in order toHave the TimeSet.Jim Conley, the negro factory sweeperwho was a witness against Leo Frank in his trial for the murder of Mary Phagan,will be…
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Tuesday, 25th November 1913: Conleys Lawyer Will Ask Immediate Trial, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 25th November 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 4.Attorney William Smith will today inthe criminal branch of the superior court make formal demand that his negroclient, Jim Conley, the factory sweeper whose testimony convicted Leo Frank ofthe Phagan murder, be…
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Monday, 24th November 1913: Burlesque Houses Willing For Chief To Act As Censor, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 24th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Alleged burlesque naughtiness isbeing probed in Atlanta. Chief Beavers, one of his trusty men and Recorder NashBroyles have shouldered muskets in the war against rumored conditions in low-pricedVaudeville and burlesque theaters in…
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Thursday, 20th November 1913: Nation-wide Search For Missing Wife, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 20th November 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 4.A letter revealing the sorrowful story of a husbandsnation-wide search for his missing wife has come to Chief Beavers from Russell,Iowa, to which W. W. Wolfe, a native of Montgomery went in…
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Saturday, 15th November 1913: Franks Appeal Is Set For Thirty Days Hence, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 15th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Bill of Exceptions Reaches Su-preme Court- Will Conley BeTried Next Week?Leo M. Franks bill of exceptions tothe judgement of Judge L. S. Roan in refusing him a new trial reached the clerkof…
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Monday, 17th November 1913: Franks Appeal Is Set For Thirty Days Hence, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 17th November 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.Judge HoldsContract Validand Grants Temporary Re-strainingOrderA novel and interesting point wasraised in Judge J. T. Pendletons division of the superior court Monday morningwhen the court issued a temporary restraining order in behalf…
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Sunday, 23rd November 1913: Postpone Entertainment For Home For The Blind, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 23rd November 1913,PAGE 52, COLUMN 3.PromotersHave Been Unableto Obtain Theater forDecember 6The entertainment planned to take placeDecember 6 to aid the Home for the Blind has been indefinitely postponedbecause no theater could be obtained for the occasion.…
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Saturday, 29th November 1913: Horse Hauls Buggy Right Into Hardware Store After Fodder, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 29th November 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.A small stack of fodder left over froma Thanksgiving window decoration, two plate glass windows and Zeb, the buggyhorse of G. R. Garner, formed the cast of a little tragedy Friday afternoonmuch…
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Tuesday, 18th November 1913: Legal Fight Is Waged Over Mothers Will, The Atlanta Journal

The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 18th November 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 4.Daughters ofMrs. EmmaLee Go to Court to SettleDisputeA bitter fight between three sistersover $50,000 estate left by their mother. Mrs. Emma G. Lee, commenced beforeJudge George L. Bell in superior court Tuesday…