Thursday, 13th November 1913: Judge Halts Trial Of Jim Conley As Dorsey Begins It, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 13th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Bench Gives No Reason, butAfter Conference, Case GoesOver to Monday May Waiton FrankWhen the case against Jim Conley, the negro indicted as an accessory after the fact in the Mary Phagan murder,…

Thursday, 6th November 1913: Dorsey Spent $1,145.39 In The Leo Frank Case, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 6th November 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 5.Itemized Expense Account Is FiledWith the CountyBoard.Revealingin a new light the wide probe made by the state in its successful effort toconvict Leo Frank of the murder of Mary Phagan, the itemized…

Friday, 7th November 1913: Thomas Is Given Chief Judgeship, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 7th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.J. B. Ridley, Luther Rosser,Jr., and Chief Judge WillServe Four Years, McClel-land and HathcockTwo.E. D. Thomas is to be the chief judgeof the new municipal court for a term of four years.J.…

Sunday, November 2nd 1913: Judges of Municipal Court Named Saturday Afternoon Supplant Peace Justices, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution, Sunday, 2nd November 1913, PAGE 3, COLUMN 1. The four judges of the superior court of Fulton County last Saturday named the five Atlantans who will sit as judges in the new municipal court established by…

Tuesday, 4th November 1913: Municipal Court Positions Sought By Over 1,000 Men, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution, Tuesday, 4th November 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMNS 3 & 4. PAGE 1, COLUMN 3 From left to right, Luther Rosser, Jr., T. A. Hathcock, Eugene D. Thomas, J. B. Ridley, and L. F. McClelland. PAGE…

Saturday, November 1st, 1913: Trial Judge Says Last Word on Bias of Jury, Declares Court of Appeals, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution, Saturday, 1st November 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 7. TRIAL JUDGE SAYS LAST WORD ON BIAS OF JURY, DECLARES COURT OF APPEALS Important Decision Handed Down, Following Close Upon Heels of Judge Roans Decision in Frank Case,…

Monday, 3rd November 1913: Judges Of New Court Are Named, The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Constitution, Monday, 3rd November 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 4. Four of the five judges of the municipal court, which will take the place in Atlanta of the courts of the justices of the peace, are shown here. At…

Saturday, 8th November 1913: Court Asked To Enjoin Georgia Power Company, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 8th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Right of Eminent Domain At-Tacked in Suit Filed byMrs. S. C. LoebA suit, which, if sustained, my preventthe Georgia Railway and Power company exercising the right of eminent domain,and so prevent it…

Wednesday, 12th November 1913: Frank Arguments Will Be Heard December 15, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 12th November 1913,PAGE 20, COLUMN 5.LeoM. Franks appeal from the decision of Judge L. S. Roan denying him a new trialis expected to reach the clerk of the state supreme court on next Monday, andargument on the…

Tuesday, 11th November 1913: Jim Conleys Case May Be Reached Wednesday, The Atlanta Journal
The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 11th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.AllegedAccomplice of Leo M.Frank Not Arraigned Tues-Day, as Was ExpectedJim Conley, the negro sweeper at theNational Pencil factory, who was the principal witness against Leo M. Frank,convicted of the murder of Mary…