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Monday, 13th October 1913 Photo By Francis E. Price.

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 13th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 2.MRS. JESSIE B. GWINN.Mrs. Jessie Brock Gwinn, who has found that wealth andautomobiles to not always make a girl happy, and who longs forthe fianc who is not wealthy, instead of the…
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Thursday, 9th October 1913 Judge To Grant Dorsey’s Request

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 9th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 4.Frank Hearing Will Be Postponed Until the Solicitor Is Ready to Make Answer to PetitionJudge L. S. Roan stated last night when informed by The Constitution of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey's…
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Wednesday, 8th October 1913 Frank Hearing Will He Held On Saturday

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 8th October 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 3.Generally Believed That Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey Will Announce Ready Then.That Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey, now studying the case in Valdosta, will announce ready when the hearing for a new trial for…
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Friday, 10th October 1913 New Trial Hearing Postponed For Week

The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 10th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.Dorsey Notified at Valdosta That He Need Not Come To Atlanta.The hearing of a motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, setfor Saturday, has been postponed for another week. Judge…
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Sunday, 12th October 1913 Henslee Confers With Hugh Dorsey

The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 12th October 1913,PAGE 21, COLUMN 1.Solicitor General Is Now Preparing for Leo M. Frank's Hearing on Retrial Petition.Valdosta, Ga., October 11."(Special.) Juror A. H. Henslee,who has been the storm center in the Frank case during the lastten…
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Saturday, 11th October 1913 35 Lawyers In Race For Municipal Court

The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 11th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Thirty-five applicants have signified their willingness to beappointed to the five judgeships of the new municipal courtlegalized by the last legislature. This fact became known Fridaywhen it was determined that the new…
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Monday, 20th October 1913 Locked Doors Guard Witness Who Declares Frank Innocent

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 20th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.DETECTIVES KEEP ALL NIGHT VIGIL IN ORDER TO ARREST HIMPAGE 1, COLUMN 6Witness Is AtlantaManWho Says HeLeft CityOn Account ofThreatsI. W. Fisher, Formerly a RailroadEmployeeHere, Upon His Arrival in Atlanta,…
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Tuesday, 7th October 1913 Henslee Answers Sprata Citizens

The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 7th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Made His RemarksAboutLeo Frank After TrialandNot Before, SaysJuror Ac-cused of Prejudice.A. H. Henslee, juror in the Frank case, who has beendeclared prejudiced against the prisoner in a number of affidavitsfled with the…
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Monday, 6th October 1913 Sparta Citizens Insist Henslee Was Prejudiced

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 6th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.You Said Frank WasGuil-Ty, They Tell Jurorin Let-Ter Sent to Him,and Fur-nish Copies to thePress.WEPRACTICALLYTRIEDHIM BEFORE THETRIALSay They Will NotAllowHenslee to CallThem LiarsTo Protect HimselfFromCriticism HeDeserved.Declaring that they had practically tried Leo…
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Sunday, 5th October 1913 A.h. Henslee May Establish Alibi

The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 5th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Attacked Frank JurorBrandsAs False theCharges MadeAgainst Him inSeveral Af-fidavits.In answer to several of the affidavits claiming that atspecified times and places he made declarations of belief in theguilt of Leo M. Frank,…