Saturday, 4th October 1913 Interest Centers In Attacks Made On Frank Jurors
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 4th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Many SealedDepositions AreFiled With DeputyClerkAssailing A. H.Henslee andMarcus Johenning.SPARTA CITIZENSSAYHENSLEEPREJUDICEDMembers of Jury Denyin In-dignant Terms ThatAny ofTheir Number WasBiasedIn Any Way.That one of the Sparta, Ga., citizens whose affidavits are nowsealed and…

Monday, 13th October 1913 Photo By Francis E. Price.
The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 13th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 2.MRS. JESSIE B. GWINN.Mrs. Jessie Brock Gwinn, who has found that wealth andautomobiles to not always make a girl happy, and who longs forthe fianc who is not wealthy, instead of the…

Saturday, 18th October 1913 Criminal Court Will Convene Monday Week
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 2.Before That TimeSolicitor Dor-sey Expects to HaveCon-cluded FrankHearing.That the criminal division of superior court will start onMonday week and the general work of that division be resumedwas the statement made yesterday by…

Sunday, 19th October 1913 Frank Innocent Says Man Who Claims To Be Murder Witness
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 19th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.HE WILL TELLWHOCOMMITTEDCRIMEON ARRIVALHEREMakes Statement to Chief ofBirmingham Policeand Catches Train at Midnightfor Atlanta inCompany With Detective"Prominent CitizenSlew girl, He Says, But It WasNot Frank.By L. W. Friedman.Birmingham, Ala., October…

Monday, 20th October 1913 Locked Doors Guard Witness Who Declares Frank Innocent
The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 20th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.DETECTIVES KEEP ALL NIGHT VIGIL IN ORDER TO ARREST HIMPAGE 1, COLUMN 6Witness Is AtlantaManWho Says HeLeft CityOn Account ofThreatsI. W. Fisher, Formerly a RailroadEmployeeHere, Upon His Arrival in Atlanta,…

Thursday, 23rd October 1913 Crowd Conducted Frank Trial Says Prisoner’s Lawyer
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 23rd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Tried and Convictedby theCourtroomSpectators andNot by the Judge andJury,Declares Rosser.TODAY'S HEARINGMAYLAST UNTILMIDNIGHTFight Is Bitter OverConley'sTestimony, DefenseDeclar-ing That It ShouldNeverHave BeenConsidered.Declaring that the crowd and not the judge and jury triedand convicted Leo…

Friday, 24th October 1913 Proof Of Charges Will Mean A New Trial, Says Court
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 24th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Evidence AgainstJurorsHenslee andJohenning theMost Important ToBeIntroduced.ATTITUDE OFCROWDSWILL BESTRESSEDVerdict in Trial WasDelayedfor Two Days onAccountof Fear of MobViolence,Roan Admits.It developed Thursday during Frank hearing for a new trialthat the verdict in the original…

Saturday, 25th October 1913 Jury Loaned Ears To Ravings Of Mob, Says Rube Arnold
The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 25th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Leo M. Frank Convicted, HeDeclares, by Prejudice andNot by the Evidence GivenIn Case.HIS TRIAL IS COMPAREDTO RITUAL MURDER CASELeo M. Frank Convicted, HeDeclares, by Prejudice andNot by the Evidence Givenin Case.HIS TRIAL…

Sunday, 26th October 1913 Next Frank Trial May Be Held In Chatham County
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 26th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Believing Their ClientWillSecure AnotherChance,Lawyers DeclareSavannahDesirable Place.WITH BITTERSARCASMRUBE ARNOLDARRAIGNSPROSECUTION'STACTICSAttributes Conviction toRacePersecution, BiasedJuryAnd CorruptWitnesses.Dorsey Next, ThenHooperRosser Concludes.So confident are they of success in their efforts to gain a newtrial, counsel for Leo M. Frank's…

Wednesday, 22nd October 1913 Many Affidavits Defend The Jury
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 22nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Only Sheriff andOfficers ofHis Force Talked toMem-Bers of the FrankJury Dur-ing Trial.To the thirty-odd affidavits made public yesterday in theexchange of affidavits between the state and the defense in theLeo M. Frank…