Monday, 13th October 1913 Photo By Francis E. Price.
The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 13th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 2.MRS. JESSIE B. GWINN.Mrs. Jessie Brock Gwinn, who has found that wealth andautomobiles to not always make a girl happy, and who longs forthe fianc who is not wealthy, instead of the…

Tuesday, 14th October 1913 Dorsey Expected Back In Atlanta Wednesday
The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 14th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 5.Generally Believed That Solicitor Will Ask Continuance of Leo Frank Hearing.That Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, who has been inValdosta for a week with E. A. Stephens, his assistant, devotinghimself to preparing…

Thursday, 16th October 1913 Dorsey Will Request Postponement Again
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 16th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Will Be PracticallyImpossibleFor Him to AnswerFrank'sPetition onSaturday.Renewed activities on the part of the defense of Leo M.Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, were apparentWednesday, coincident with the return to Atlanta…

Wednesday, 15th October 1913 Dorsey Will Return To Gate City Today
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 15th October 1913,PAGE 15, COLUMN 4.Solicitor and HisAssistant WillDevote Rest of Week toLeo M. Frank Case.Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey is due to arrive at 7:35o'clock this morning and it is said will devote the remainder ofthe…

ADL: 100 Years of Hate, September 16th, 2013
by Valdis Bell TODAY MARKS THE 100th anniversary of the largest and most-well funded hate and defamation group in the history of mankind: the Anti-Defamation League, or "ADL." The organization was originally called the "Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith" after…

Thursday, 30th October 1913 Retrial Hearing For Leo M. Frank Comes To Close
The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, 30th October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 1. Luther, Rosser Concludes Ar- gument by Bitter Attack on Juror A. H. Henslee and Witness Jim Conley. JUDGE WILL ANNOUNCE DECISION NEXT FRIDAY Hearing of Argument for New…

Monday, 27th October 1913 Arnold To Resume His Speech Today
The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 27th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Hearing for New Trialfor LeoM. Frank WillProbably BeConcluded onWednesdayMorning.Attorney Reuben Arnold, associate counsel for the defense ofLeo Frank, who is making a masterful argument for a new trial forhis client, was asked…

Tuesday, 28th October 1913 Hooper And Dorsey Ridicule Argument Of Reuben Arnold
The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 28th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Attorney for DefenseWantedRemarks TakenDown inShorthand to ShowChil-Dren, Says FrankHooper.NEW TRIAL FORFRANKSLAP IN FACEOF JURYSolicitor General SaysGrant-ing Ruling Asked byDe-fense Would ShatterLawsof the State.Telling Judge Roan at the Frank hearing yesterday afternoonthat if…

Wednesday, 29th October 1913 Arnold Branded With Falsehood By Hugh Dorsey
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 29th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Advises Lawyer forDefenseto Take Purgative toRidHis System of Someof ItsMiasma.DIRTY TACTICSCHARGEDBY SOLICITORGENERALDorsey's Speech IsConcluded.Rosser Will MakeAddressToday and the CaseThenGoes to the Judge.With a blistering attack upon Rube Arnold, in which theattorney was…

Friday, 31st October 1913 Roan Announces Decision Today
The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 31st October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Both Sides AreConfident inFrank New TrialHearing.The DocumentsAre Ex-amined.Whether or not Leo M. Frank will be granted a new trial byJudge L. S. Roan, his trial justice, will be known this morning at…