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Page 3 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982

My job required that I open the mail, file papers, keep the office orderly, run errands and the like. Leo Frank arrived in the building that morning shortly after I did. He came into the office and spoke to me.…
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Page 1 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982.

A F F I D A V I T IN THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, COUNTY OF SULLIVAN The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes as follows: My name is Alonzo McClendon Mann. I am 83 years old. I was born near…
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Page 6 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982

the building and saw Conley with the body. When Frank went to trial and I was called as a witness, my mother tole me I would have to go and testify. She repeated to me what she already had told…
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Page 8 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982

until it was too late to save Leo Frank's life. They will say that being young is no excuse. They will blame my mother. The only thing I can say is that she did what she thought was best for…
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Page 2 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982

practically nothing. I was nervous and afraid that day. There were crowds in the street who were angry and who were saying that Leo Frank should die. Some were yelling things like, "Kill the Jew!" I was very nervous. The…
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Wednesday, 20th August 1913 Witness Swears He Saw Frank Forcing Unwelcome Attentions Upon the Little Phagan Girl

The Atlanta Constitution, Wednesday, August 20th, 1913. The most sensational testimony of the entire morning session was produced when Willie Turner, a young farmer of Sandy Springs, Georgia, an ex-employee of the pencil factory, was called by the prosecution. He…
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Thursday, 21st August 1913 Frank Hooper Opens Argument In Leo Frank Case This Morning

The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21st, 1913 Page 3. The opening argument in the Frank trial will be made at 9 o’clock this morning by Attorney Frank B. Hooper, associate counsel for the defense. Two hours probably will be occupied…
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Thursday, 21st August 1913 Girls Testify to Seeing Frank Talking to Little Mary Phagan With His Hands on Her Person

The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Page 2. Girls Testify to Seeing Frank Talking to Little Mary Phagan With His Hands on Her Person The evidence brought out on Tuesday that Frank had frequently been seen talking to Mary…
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Thursday, 21st August 1913 Railway Employee Swears Car Reached Center of City at 12:03

The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Page 2. Several employees of the Georgia Railway and Power company were introduced by the prosecution Wednesday to testify as to the time of the arrival of the English avenue street car at…
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Thursday, 21st August 1913 Frank’s Character Bad Declare Many Women and Girls on Stand

The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Solicitor Dorsey make a persistent effort Wednesday morning to show that the character of Leo Frank is anything but good. Ha laid particular stress upon his character as to his relations with women…