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Friday, 15th August 1913 Many Men Swear to Good Character of Superintendent of Pencil Factory

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 Classmates and Instructors at Cornell Come to Atlanta to Testify to His Clean Life While at College and to Show Their Loyalty to Old College Friend. DORSEY ASKS REMOVAL OF LEO FRANK'S MOTHER AND WIFE FROM…
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Friday, 15th August 1913 Frank in Jovial Mood While Poker Game Was Going on at His House on Night of 26th

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 Mrs. M. Marcus, a relative by marriage of Mrs. Leo M. Frank, was the first witness called at the afternoon session. She was one of the friends of the Franks and Seligs who played cards at…
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Friday, 15th August 1913 Milton Klein, Visitor of Frank, Is Grilled by Solicitor Dorsey

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 Milton Klein, a wholesale lumber dealer, a frequent visitor of Frank's while he was in the tower, was the last witness of the day. He was cross-examined at length by Solicitor Dorsey, whose object apparently was…
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Friday, 15th August 1913 Lawyers Appear Very Interested in Raincoat Lent to Leo M. Frank

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 Charles F. Ursenbach, husband of Mrs. Leo Frank's sister was put on the stand following Miss Dula May Flowers. He was used by the defense to show what Leo Frank had broken the baseball engagement early…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 Quinn Intimates That Spots May Have Been on Floor for Months

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 14th, 1913 Lemmie Quinn, foreman of the metal department of the National Pencil factory, was put on the stand by the defense following the ex-office boy. "Aren't you foreman of the department Mary Phagan worked in?""Yes." "Do you…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 Lively Tilts Mark the Hearing Of Testimony of Dr. Kendrick

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 14th, 1913 Dr. William S. Kendrick, head of the chair of medicine of the new Atlanta Medical school and for the past thirty eight years a general practitioner of medicine, was the first witness put on the stand…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 Lemmie Quinn is Severely Grilled by Solicitor Dorsey

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 14th, 1913 Bending his efforts to break down the testimony of Lemmie Quinn, foreman of the metal room, Solicitor Dorsey subjected the witness to a severe grilling when court reconvened at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. When Quinn resumed…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 Surprise Sprung by Introduction of Character Witnesses by Defense

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 14th, 1913 Alfred L. Lane, who stated that he lives in Brooklyn, and is a merchant of New York city, was the first witness to take the stand to swear to the good character of Leo Frank and…
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Thursday, 14th August 1913 Mrs. Rae Frank, Mother of Prisoner, Denounces Solicitor Hugh Dorsey

Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 14th, 1913 Mrs. Rae Frank, the mother of the prisoner, startled the courtroom shortly before 4 o'clock, when she denounced Solicitor Dorsey, when he made an attack on the character of her son. J. Ashley Jones, a local…
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Friday, 15th August 1913 Mother-in-Law of Frank Denies Charges in Cooks Affidavit

  Atlanta Constitution August 15th, 1913 Following the testimony of those who claimed to have played poker at the Emil Selig home on the night of April 26, Mrs. Selig, Leo Frank's mother-in-law was placed on the stand and asked…