Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Here Is The Chronological Order Of Final Day Of Frank’s Trial
The Atlanta Constitution, Tuesday, 26th August 1913. Page 7. To those who sat with pent-up excitement in the court room Monday on the last day of the Leo Frank trial, the various events called the Jury and began his…

Sunday, 31st August 1913 Graduates Of Cornell Will Aid Leo M. Frank In Fight For Life
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 31st August 1913.Page 2.Leo Max Frank, recently convicted on the charge of murdering Mary Phagan, is to receive aid in his battle for life and liberty from the alumni of Cornell university of Ithaca, New York, which…

Thursday, 28th August 1913 Jail Cell Of Leo M. Frank Now Like Living Room
The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 28th August 1913.Page five.Prisoner is Preparing Statement as Answer to Solicitor Dorsey's Argument.The cell of Leo M. Frank in the Tower is fast assuming the appearance of a living rom. Yesterday a new bed and a number…

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Railway Employee Swears Car Reached Center of City at 12:03
The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Page 2. Several employees of the Georgia Railway and Power company were introduced by the prosecution Wednesday to testify as to the time of the arrival of the English avenue street car at…

Wednesday, 27th August 1913 Hugh Dorsey’s Great Speech Feature Of The Frank Trial By Sidney Ormond
The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 27th August 1913.Page 2.The Frank trial is a matter of history. Solicitor General Hugh Manson Dorsey and his wonderful speech, which brought the case to a close, form the subject matter for countless discussions among all classes…

Sunday, 24th August 1913 Solicitor Reasserts His Conviction Of Bad Character And Guilt Of Frank
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 24th August 1913.Page two."What I had to say yesterday," began Mr. Dorsey at the opening of Saturday morning's session, "with references to character, I think I have demonstrated by law to any fair-minded man that the defendant…

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Testimony of Hollis Assaulted by Witness
The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21, 1913 Page 3. J. B. Reed, a tile layer, told of a talk with W. T. Hollis, a conductor, who, he declared, had expressed sorrow at having brought Mary Phagan into town on her…

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Starnes Tells How Affidavit From Negro Cook Was Secured
The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21, 1913. Page 3. John Starnes, prosecutor of Leo Frank, was put up to tell about the Minola McKnight affidavit. “Did you Investigate the scuttle hole around the elevator? was Dorsey's first question. An objection…

Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Leo Frank Received Fair Trial Declares Chief Newport Lanford
The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 26th August 1913.Page 3.Chief Newport Lanford made the following statement Monday night in talking with a Constitution reporter:"It is very gratifying to the members of my department that the jury, after their undoubtedly careful deliberation, found Frank…

Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Mary Phagan, The Victim
The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 26th August 1913.Page 3.Story of Mary Phagan's Death As Representatives of the State Outlined It to Frank's JuryThe Jury has said that Leo Max Frank Is guilty of the murder of Mary Anne Phagan.With that verdict fell…