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Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Leo Frank Received Fair Trial Declares Chief Newport Lanford

The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 26th August 1913.Page 3.Chief Newport Lanford made the following statement Monday night in talking with a Constitution reporter:"It is very gratifying to the members of my department that the jury, after their undoubtedly careful deliberation, found Frank…
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Monday, 25th August 1913 Leo Frank’s Fate May Be Decided By Monday Night

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 25th August 1913.Page 1.Solicitor Dorsey Is Expected to Complete His Address to Jury During Morning Session of Court.MANY FRIENDS VISIT FRANK IN THE TOWERJudge Has Intimated That He Will Be Ready to Receive Verdict at Any Time…
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Thursday, 21st August 1913 Girls Testify to Seeing Frank Enter Dressing Room With Woman

The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Following the introduction of the telegram Solicitor Hugh Dorsey began another attack on the character of Leo Frank and after a bitter wrangle secured the right to ask factory girls in regard to…
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Friday, 22nd August 1913 Chronological Table Of Frank’s Actions On Day Of Murder

The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 22nd August 1913.Page 1.This is the chronological table of Frank's actions on the date of the murder which was displayed in chart form yesterday afternoon during Attorney Arnold's speech:7:30 a.m. Minola McKnight.8:26 a.m. Frank arrives at factory.…
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Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Frank Convicted, Asserts Innocence

  The Atlanta Constitution, Tuesday, 26th August 1913. Page 1. WAITS WITH WIFE IN TOWER FOR NEWS FROM COURTROOM. FRIENDS TELL HIM VERDICT. "I Am as Innocent Today as I Was One Year Ago," He Cries "The Jury Has Been…
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Friday, 22nd August 1913 In Dramatic Phrases Hooper Outlines Events Leading Up To And Following Death Of Girl

The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 22nd August 1913.Page two."Your honor, and gentlemen of the jury." spoke Mr. Hooper, the first of the attorneys to address the court, "the object of this trial, as well as all other trials, is the ascertainment of…
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Thursday, 21st August 1913 Starnes Tells How Affidavit From Negro Cook Was Secured

The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21, 1913. Page 3. John Starnes, prosecutor of Leo Frank, was put up to tell about the Minola McKnight affidavit. “Did you Investigate the scuttle hole around the elevator? was Dorsey's first question. An objection…
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Sunday, 17th August 1913 That Pinkertons Double-Crossed Police, Dorsey Tries to Prove

  Atlanta Constitution August 17th, 1913 With the introduction of W.D. MacWorth, the Pinkerton detective who discovered the blood spots on the first floor near the trap door and the bloody club and pay envelope nearby, came the verification of…
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Wednesday, 20th August 1913 Saw Mary Phagan On Her Way To Pencil Factory, Says Mccoy

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 20th August 1913.Page 2.M. E. McCoy, of Bolton, who stated that he worked part of the time as a painter and part as a farmer, was put on the stand after McEwen, the motorman. He swore that…
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Sunday, 17th August 1913 Prisoner’s Mother Questioned As to Wealth of Frank Family

    Atlanta Constitution August 17th, 1913 Mrs. Rae Frank, mother of Leo Frank, resumed the stand at the opening of the morning session Saturday. Under cross-examination by Solicitor Dorsey, she was forced to tell much of her business interests…