R P BUTLER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 105th To Testify
R. P. BUTLER, sworn for the Defendant.I am the shipping clerk of the Pencil Company.I am familiar with the doors leading into the metal room.They are wooden doors, with glass windows.There is no trouble looking through these windows into the…
JOHN FINLEY, Sworn In For The Defendant, 100th To Testify
JOHN FINLEY, sworn for the Defendant.I was formerly master machinist and assistant superintendent of the pencil factory.I have known Mr. Frank about five years.His character was good.CROSS EXAMINATION.I am now superintendent for Dittler Bros.They are not related to the Franks.I…
PHILLIP CHAMBERS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 83rd To Testify
PHILLIP CHAMBERS, sworn for the Defendant.I am 15 years old.I started working for them December 12, 1912, as office boy, at the pencil factory.I left there March 29, 1913.I stayed in the outer office.On Saturdays I stayed until 4:30 and…
MISS LAURA ATKINSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 88th To Testify
MISS LAURA ATKINSON, sworn for the Defendant.I have been in Mr. Dalton's company three times.I never met him at the Busy Bee Cafe.I have never walked with him to or from the pencil company.I have never walked home with him.CROSS…
ISAAC HAAS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 103rd To Testify
ISAAC HAAS, sworn for the Defendant.I know Leo M. Frank for over five years.His character is very good.I did not hear my telephone ring on Sunday morning, April 27th.My wife heard it.The telephone is twenty-two feet from my bed.CROSS EXAMINATION.My…
GODFREY WEINKAUF, Sworn In For The Defendant, 84th To Testify
GODFREY WEINKAUF, sworn for the Defendant.I am superintendent of the Pencil Company's lead plant.Beginning with July, 1912, up until the first week in January, 1913, I visited the office of the pencil factory every other Saturday, between three and five…
A N ANDERSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 104th To Testify
A. N. ANDERSON, sworn for the Defendant.I work at the Atlanta National Bank.That is the original passbook of Leo M. Frank (Defendant's Exhibit 50).CROSS EXAMINATION.I don't know that that's the only bank account that he had.He may have had others.Yes,…
A D GREENFIELD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 101st To Testify
A. D. GREENFIELD, sworn for the Defendant.I am one of the owners of the building occupied by the Pencil Company on Forsyth Street.I have owned it since 1900.When we bought the building it was occupied by Montag Bros.They used it…
TRUMAN MCCRARY, C, Sworn In For The Defendant, 80th To Testify
TRUMAN Mc CRARY, (colored), sworn for the Defendant.I am a drayman on the streets of Atlanta.I work for the National Pencil Company.I have hauled for them.I have drayed for them most every Saturday for the past three years.I would work…
DAISY HOPKINS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 87th To Testify
DAISY HOPKINS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a married woman.I worked in the factory from October, 1911, to June 1, 1912.I worked in the packing department on the second floor.Mr. Frank never spoke to me when he would pass.I never…