Saturday, 16th August 1913 Mother of Frank Takes Stand to Identify Letter Son Wrote
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 The more or less listless curiosity of the courtroom spectators was scarcely aroused during the afternoon until the last witness was called who was Mrs. Rae Frank of Brooklyn, N. Y. The mother of Leo M.…

Friday, 15th August 1913 Elevator Made Loud Noise Said Employee of Pencil Company
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 Harry Denham, an employee of the National Pencil company, was put on the stand after the Pittsburg man had testified to the character of the defendant. Denham was asked a number of questions about what happened…

Friday, 15th August 1913 Wife and Mother of Frank Are Permitted to Remain in Court
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 At the opening of the morning session yesterday Solicitor Dorsey motioned for the court to exclude the wife and mother of Leo M. Frank, Mrs. Lucille Frank and Mrs. Rae Frank, on account of the sensational…

Saturday, 16th August 1913 Aged Negro Drayman Called As a Witness Against Conley
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 Truman McCrary, an aged negro drayman, who once was an employee of the pencil factory, was put on the stand during the afternoon session. "Where do you work at present?" Mr. Arnold asked. "I run a…

Thursday, 14th August 1913 Mother of Frank Denounces Solicitor Dorsey in Court
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 14th, 1913 STIRS COURTROOM WHEN SHE RESENTS QUESTIONS ASKED FRANK'S WITNESS Solicitor Dorsey Was Cross-Examining Ashley Jones, a Witness Who Had Been Testifying to the Good Character of the Prisoner, and Had Just Asked Him if He Had…

Saturday, 16th August 1913 Both Wife and Phone, He Says, Are Expensive and Necessary
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 16th, 1913 Ike Haas, well-known manufacturer, was put on the stand during Friday afternoon. "How long have you been in Atlanta?""Four years." "What is your business?" "I am a manufacturer." "Do you know Leo M. Frank and his…

Friday, 15th August 1913 Frank in Jovial Mood While Poker Game Was Going on at His House on Night of 26th
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 Mrs. M. Marcus, a relative by marriage of Mrs. Leo M. Frank, was the first witness called at the afternoon session. She was one of the friends of the Franks and Seligs who played cards at…

Friday, 15th August 1913 Eight Character Witnesses Come to Defense of Superintendent
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 Following Mrs. E. A. Marcus, eight character witnesses were placed on the stand. They were V. H. Kriegshaber, Max Goldstein, Sidney Levy, Rabbi David Marx, D. I. McIntyre, and insurance man and member of the firm…

Friday, 15th August 1913 Milton Klein, Visitor of Frank, Is Grilled by Solicitor Dorsey
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 15th, 1913 Milton Klein, a wholesale lumber dealer, a frequent visitor of Frank's while he was in the tower, was the last witness of the day. He was cross-examined at length by Solicitor Dorsey, whose object apparently was…

Friday, 15th August 1913 Defense Witness Admit Barrett is Sensible Fellow
Atlanta Constitution August 15th, 1913 Henry Smith, a mechanic in the pencil factory, who admitted on cross-examination that he had received a raise in salary in the past two weeks, went upon the stand to tell of Barrett's attitude…