Saturday, 26th July 1913 Frank’s Lawyers Ready for Trial
Atlanta ConstitutionJuly 26th, 1913 They Have Started Summoning Witnesses and Are Quoted as Having Agreed to Go to Trial. That Attorneys Reuben R. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser, representing Leo M. Frank, charged with the Mary Phagan murder, have decided…
Friday, 25th July 1913 Work on Phagan Case Brings Promotion to Pinkerton Man
Atlanta ConstitutionJuly 25th, 1913 As a reward for his success in the Phagan mystery, Detective Harry Scott, assistant superintendent of the Atlanta Pinkerton offices, has been promoted to the superintendency of the Houston, Texas branch, to which he goes immediately…
Sunday, 20th July 1913 Prison System of Georgia Attacked by Episcopalians
The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, July 20, 1913 The Episcopalian diocese of Georgia, at its annual convention, appointed a social service commission, which has since met and formulated the following special report on prison and child labor conditions in this state.…
Saturday, 19th July 1913 Woodward Uses Clemency Again
The Atlanta Constitution Saturday, July 19, 1913 Asserting That He Considers Recorder Mentally Irresponsible, the Mayor Announces Controversy Closed. With the declaration that no utterance by Recorder Nash R. Broyles will induce him to resort to blackguardism or swerve him…
Sunday, 20th July 1913 Frank’s Lawyers Score Dorsey for His Stand
The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, July 20, 1913 Luther Rosser and Reuben Arnold Declare He Is Going Out of His Way to Dictate to the Grand Jury. EXCEEDS PROVINCE OF SOLICITOR GENERAL Grand Jury Will Meet at 10 O'Clock Monday Morning…
Sunday, 20th July 1913 Mrs. Nina Formby Will Not Return for Trial
The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, July 20, 1913 Woman Swore That Leo M. Frank Tried to Engage Room on Night of Murder Mrs. Nina Formby, who signed an affidavit in the Frank case in which she swore the superintendent has endeavored…
Sunday, 20th July 1913 Grim Justice Pursues Mary Phagan’s Slayer
The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, July 20, 1913 As Famous Murder Case Nears Trial the Public Mind Again Reverts to the Discovery of the Crime; and Again the Great Question Comes Up: "What Happened in the Pencil Factory Between Noon Saturday…
Sunday, 20th July 1913 Frank’s Lawyers Score Dorsey For His Stand
The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 20th July 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Luther Rosser and ReubenArnold Declare He is Go-ing Out of His Way to Dic-tate to the Grand Jury.EXCEEDS PROVINCEOF SOLICITOR GENERALGrand Jury Will Meet at 10O'Clock Monday Morningto Take Up Conley Case.Call…
Wednesday, 23rd July 1913 Give Right of Way to Case of Frank
Atlanta ConstitutionJuly 23rd, 1913 Attorneys for Relatives in the Crawford Will Hearing Are Willing to Yield Their Claim of Priority. The conflict between the dates of hearing the litigation over the $250,000 estate of the late Joshua B. Crawford, and…
Tuesday, 22nd July 1913 Date Of Frank Trial Depends On Weather
The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 22nd July 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Will Be Called Monday, ButMay Be Postponed if as Hotas Last Saturday.Continued From Page One.That the trial of Leo M. Frank depends to a great extent upon the weather was the indication…