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Thursday, 31st July 1913 Collapse of Testimony of Black and Hix Girl’s Story Big Aid to Frank

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 31st, 1913 Although the State's witnesses were on the stand all of Wednesday the day was distinctly favorable for Frank, partly because nothing distinctly unfavorable was developed against him—the burden of proof being upon the State—but most largely…
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Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Gantt Has Startling Evidence; Dorsey Promises New Testimony Against Frank

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 30th, 1913 STATE ADDS NEW LINK TO EVIDENCE CHAIN BY BOOTS ROGERS' STORY Sensational testimony by J. M. Gantt, discharged pencil factory employee, was promised Wednesday by Solicitor Dorsey and Frank A. Hooper, who is assisting him. They…
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Tuesday, 29th July 1913 After Rosser’s Fierce Grilling All Negro, Newt Lee, Asked for Was Chew or Bacca-AnyKind

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 29th, 1913 He Looks Like a Negro, He Talks Like a Negro, and He Has the Will and the Manner of Darkies in Old-Time Slavery Days—Was on the Stand Three Hours Tuesday Morning "All I wanted was a…
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Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Tragedy, Ages Old, Lurks in Commonplace Court Setting

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 29th, 1913 Outwardly Quiet and Singularly Lacking in Excitement, Frank Trial is Enactment of Grim Drama. By JAMES B. NEVIN. One of the most commonplace things in the world—crime—is riveting the attention of Atlanta and Georgia to-day. Crime…
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Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Lee’s Quaint Answers Rob Leo Frank’s Trial of All Signs of Rancor

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 29th, 1913 By L. F. Woodruff A page was ripped from a story of Harris Dickson. "Old Reliable" was paraded in the life in as somber a setting as was ever conceived and the temper of the audience…
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Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Defense Wins Point After Fierce Lawyers’ Clash

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 29th, 1913 STATE TRIES TO SHOW GIRL WAS STRANGLED ON THE SECOND FLOOR Here are Tuesday's important developments in the trial of Leo M. Frank on the charge of murdering Mary Phagan in the National Pencil Factory, Saturday,…
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Monday, 28th July 1913 Frank Jury

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 28th, 1913 Here is the Frank jury complete: A. H. Henslee, 74 Oak street; salesman. F. V. L. Smith, 481 Cherokee avenue, manufacturer's agent. J. F. Higdon, 108 Ormewood avenue. F. E. Winburn, 213 Lucile avenue, claim agent.…
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Monday, 28th July 1913 Mary Phagan’s Mother Testifies

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 28th, 1913 Newt Lee Repeats His Story in Court Room Negro Watchman Swears Frank Acted Oddly Day of Crime Here are the important developments in the trial of Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan. Jury…
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Thursday, 31st July 1913 Red Bandanna, a Jackknife and Plennie Minor Preserve Order

Atlanta GeorgianJuly 31st, 1913 He Raps With the Barlow Blade and Waves the Oriflamed Kerchief Judiciously. Plennie Minor, chief deputy sheriff, has a man's sized job on his hands and he handles it with the aid of a red bandanna…
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Monday, 21st July 1913 Doctor And Girl Are Taken On Vice Charge

The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 21, 1913 Dr. M. W. Lewis, a prominent physician of Carrollton, was arrested Monday morning and placed under $1,000 bond on a charge of disorderly conduct. He is charged with registering as man and wife…