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Wednesday, 9th July 1913 New Evidence in Phagan Case Found

The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 9, 1913 iGrl Called to Tell of Negro She Saw in Pencil Factory—Lee Stays in Jail. A sensation in the Phagan murder mystery developed Wednesday afternoon when Solicitor Dorsey summoned Miss Mattie Smith under a…
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Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Sensations in Story of Girl Victim

The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 9, 1913 Accused Prisoners in White Slave Inquiry Held for Higher Court. That sufficient evidence had been produced in court to make a case against one of the city's most prominent business men was the…
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Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Girl Springs Sensation in Phagan Case

The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 9, 1913 PART OF PAY ENVELOPE FOUND Discovered Shortly After Tragedy by Detectives, but Find Was Kept Secret. *Editor's Note: The following headlines also appeared: (Night Edition): NEW PHAGAN EVIDENCE FOUND PART OF PAY ENVELOPE…
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Tuesday, 8th July 1913 State Sure Lee Will Not Be Released

The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Dorsey Confident That Move, Which May Confront Frank With Conley, Is Futile. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey said Tuesday he was confident the State would be able to defeat any attempt to get…
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Thursday, 10th July 1913 Beavers’ War on Vice is Lauded by Women

The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 10, 1913 Georgia Suffragists Adopt Resolution Indorsing Chief's Course in Atlanta. Chief of Police Beavers' fight against vice was enthusiastically indorsed at the Thursday morning session of the convention of the Georgia Woman Suffrage Association.…
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Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Attitude of Defense Secret

The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Attorneys for Accused Man Can Keep Him From Facing Accuser if They Wish. That Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, and James Conley, Frank's accuser in the Mary Phagan murder…
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Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Police Hunt Principals in Expose

The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Search Records of Guests for the Leaders of System Named by Girl Victim. A general rounding up of hotel registers by detectives for the identification of notorious men and women added the latest…
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Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Grants Right to Demand Lee’s Freedom

The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Negro's Counsel Secures Chance to Argue for Habeas Corpus Writ Wednesday. Reuben R. Arnold, of counsel for Leo M. Frank, communicated with Sheriff Mangum Tuesday afternoon directing him under no circumstances to permit…
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Monday, 7th July 1913 Operations of Slavers in Hotels Bared

The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 7, 1913 Victim Tells Beavers Names of Women and Man Engaged in Traffic in Girls. A new and sensational expose of vice conditions said to be prevalent in Atlanta was made Monday morning by Hattie…
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Monday, 7th July 1913 Lee’s Attorney is Ready for Writ Fight

The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 7, 1913 Habeas Corpus Move to Free Negro in Phagan Case Due to Start Monday. Habeas corpus proceedings in behalf of Newt Lee, negro night watchman at the National Pencil Factory, were promised Monday by…