Sunday, 10th August 1913 Reporter Makes Denial of Charge That Reports Have Been Flavored
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 10th, 1913 J. M. Minar, a reporter, was put on the stand by the defense after the Epps boy left. By him the defense sought to prove that the boy had talked of Mary Phagan and had not…

Monday, 11th August 1913 Murder Evidence May Be Concluded by Next Saturday
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 11th, 1913 Trial May Have Reached the Point By End of This Week Where Lawyers Will Begin Their Argument. FIERCE ATTACK COMING ON HARRIS TESTIMONY The Defense Will Also Make Every Attempt to Break Down Story Told by…

Sunday, 10th August 1913 Schiff Testimony Contradicts That Given by Dalton and Negro Conley
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 10th, 1913 Saturday by Far the Best Day for the Defense Since Start of the Frank Trial Two Weeks Ago. SAYS WOMEN DID NOT VISIT FRANK'S OFFICE Lawyers for State and Defense in Frequent Clashes During the Testimony…

Sunday, 10th August 1913 Schiff Put on Stand to Refute Conley and Dalton Testimony
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 10th, 1913 HIS STATEMENTS HELP DEFENSE Herbert G. Schiff, assistant to Leo M. Frank at the National Pencil factory, followed J. H. Minar on the stand Saturday. His testimony was used by the defense in an efort to…

Tuesday, 12th August 1913 As the Very Wildest of Guessing Dr. Westmoreland Characterizes Testimony Given by Dr. Harris
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 12th, 1913 Dr. Willis Westmoreland, former head of the state board of health, who resigned some time ago after the board gave a clean bill to Dr. H. F. Harris, the secretary, whom he had accused of "scientific…

Tuesday, 12th August 1913 Dr. Hancock Called by Defense, Assails Dr. Harris Testimony
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 12th, 1913 MADE CABBAGE DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS Dr. T. H. Hancock, a well known Atlanta physician, was the first of three medical experts to be presented in the afternoon in behalf of the defense. Dr. Hancock is official physician…

Tuesday, 12th August 1913 Defense Has Best Day Since Trial of Frank Began
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 12th, 1913 AS WILD GUESSES PHYSICIANS TERM TESTIMONY GIVEN BY DR. ROY HARRIS Assert It Is Impossible to Tell Accurately Just How Long It Takes for the Digestion of Cabbage—One Doctor Tells of Experiments He Had Made on…

Monday, 11th August 1913 Jurors Have a Great Time Playing Jokes on Deputies
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 11th, 1913 Coats off and collars and ties flung carelessly on bedposts and convenient chairs the twelve jurors in the Frank case and Deputies Foster Hunter and Bob Deavours, in charge of them, were taking a comfortable afternoon…

Friday, 11th July 1913 Slaying Charge for Conley Is Expected
The Atlanta Georgian Friday, July 11, 1913 Speedy Indictment of Negro Is Likely Following Publication of Mincey Affidavit. The speedy indictment of Jim Conley on the charge of murdering Mary Phagan was the strong possibility discussed in court circles Friday…

Friday, 11th July 1913 Girl Tells Police Startling Story of Vice Ring
The Atlanta Georgian Friday, July 11, 1913 THREE NEW VICE WAR ARRESTS Man Prisoner Declares He Will Bare the Whole System if Brought to Trial. As a result of statements made to Chief Beavers Friday morning by Hattie Smith, the…