DR CLAUDE SMITH, Sworn In For The State, 29th To Testify
DR. CLAUDE SMITH, sworn for the State.I am physician and City Bacteriologist and Chemist. These chips(Exhibit E, State) appear to be the specimen which the detectivesbrought to my office and which I examined. They had considerable dirton them and some…
GEORGE W JEFFERSON, Sworn In For The State, 15th To Testify
GEORGE W. JEFFERSON, sworn for the State.I worked at the National Pencil Company. We saw blood on the second floor in front of the girls' dressing room on Monday. It was about as big as a fan, and something white…
HARRY SCOTT, Sworn In For The State, 11th To Testify
HARRY SCOTT, sworn for the State.I am Superintendent of the local branch of the Pinkerton Detective Agency. I have worked on this case with John Black, city detective. I was employed by Mr. Frank representing the National Pencil Company. I…
HERBERT G SCHIFF, Sworn In For The State, 38th To Testify
HERBERT G. SCHIFF, sworn for the Defendant.I am assistant superintendent of the National Pencil Co.; I havebeen with the company about five years. Part of my duties was to getup data for the financial sheet. I occupied the same office…
W W ROGERS, Sworn In For The State, 6th To Testify
W. W. ROGERS, sworn for the State.I am now connected with Judge Girardeau's court. I was at the station house Saturday night, April 26th, 1913 and went to the National Pencil Company's place of business. It was between five and…
R M LASSITER, Sworn In For The State, 25th To Testify
R. M. LASSITER, sworn for the State.I am a city policeman. On Sunday morning, April 27th, I found aparasol in the bottom of the elevator shaft. It was lying about the centerof the shaft. I also found a ball of…
C W MANGUM, Sworn In For The State, 35th To Testify
C. W. MANGUM, sworn for the State.I had a conversation with Mr. Frank at the jail about seeing Conleyand confronting him. Conley was on the fourth floor. Chief Beavers,Chief Lanford and Scott came down to see Mr. Frank with Conley…
GEORGE EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 2nd To Testify
GEORGE EPPS, Sworn for the State. I am fourteen years old. I live right around the corner from Mary Phagan's home. I have known her about a year. The last time I saw her* was Saturday morning coming to…
ROBERT P BARRETT, Sworn In For The State, 13th To Testify
ROBERT P. BARRETT, sworn for the State.I am a machinist for the National Pencil Company. I have been there about eight weeks. On Monday morning, April 28th, I found an unusual spot that I had never seen before at the…
W T HOLLIS, Sworn In For The State, 37th To Testify
W. T. HOLLIS, sworn for the Defendant.I am a street car conductor. On the 26th of April I was on the EnglishAvenue line. We ran on schedule that day. Mary Phagan got on atLindsey Street at about 11:50. She is…