Friday, 8th August 1913 Dr. Frank Eskridge Aiding Prosecution
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 8th, 1913 Dr. R. T. Dorsey Also Comes to Assistance of Solicitor in the Frank Case Dr. Frank L. Eskridge, a well-known physician, is assisting Solicitor General Dorsey in the solicitor's examination of expert chemists and medical men…

Friday, 8th August 1913 Dr. Childs Differs with Harris As to Processes of Digestion
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 8th, 1913 Following Dr. H. F. Harris, the final witness of the state, DR. L. W. Childs also an expert on matters pertaining to the various processes of digestion was placed on the stand by the defense to…

Friday, 8th August 1913 Defense May Call for Character Witnesses Today
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 8th, 1913 C. B. DALTON TELLS ABOUT VISITS HE PAID THE PENCIL FACTORY WITH MANY WOMEN Declares He Used Basement for Immoral Purposes at Same Time That Frank Was in Building, But Did Not Attempt to Say What…

Saturday, 9th August 1913 N. V. Darley Denies Testimony Given by Conley and Dalton
Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 N. V. Darley, general manager of the National Pencil factory, who has already been used as a witness for the prosecution, was called to the stand for the defense following the pattern maker's department. He was…

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Attitude of Defense Secret
The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Attorneys for Accused Man Can Keep Him From Facing Accuser if They Wish. That Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, and James Conley, Frank's accuser in the Mary Phagan murder…

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Beavers’ War on Vice is Lauded by Women
The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 10, 1913 Georgia Suffragists Adopt Resolution Indorsing Chief's Course in Atlanta. Chief of Police Beavers' fight against vice was enthusiastically indorsed at the Thursday morning session of the convention of the Georgia Woman Suffrage Association.…

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Beavers in Speech Warns Policemen to Keep Out of Dives
The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 10, 1913 Chief of Police Beavers caused a stir Thursday morning when he went before the day watch and addressed the men on their conduct. His talk resulted from the recent scandal in which several…

Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Sensations in Story of Girl Victim
The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 9, 1913 Accused Prisoners in White Slave Inquiry Held for Higher Court. That sufficient evidence had been produced in court to make a case against one of the city's most prominent business men was the…

Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Girl Springs Sensation in Phagan Case
The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 9, 1913 PART OF PAY ENVELOPE FOUND Discovered Shortly After Tragedy by Detectives, but Find Was Kept Secret. *Editor's Note: The following headlines also appeared: (Night Edition): NEW PHAGAN EVIDENCE FOUND PART OF PAY ENVELOPE…

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Refused by Brown, Mangham Now Asks Slaton for Pardon
The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 The Prison Commission again has taken up the application of J. J. Mangham for a pardon. A recommendation is expected to be made to Governor Slaton in the next day or two. Mangham…